PNG file animation-targElt-BE-03.png, which shows the correct result as a raster image

Test animation options for specifying the target element. The leftmost rectangle verifies the use of the 'xlink:href' attribute to indicate the target element to be animated. The rightmost rectangle verifies animating the parent of the 'animate' element (in this case, a 'rect' element) (i.e., the implicit parent of the 'animate' element).

At time 0, two rectangles filled with red and stroked with blue appear, each with width=100 and height=200. Starting at time 3 seconds and ending at time 6 seconds, the height of the leftmost rectangle decreases from 200 to 50. Starting at time 6 seconds and ending at time 9 seconds, the rightmost rectangle decreases from 200 to 50. Annotations on the picture show the correct positions at particular times.