ACTION-423: Check the license on the ttml to webvtt mapping document

Check the license on the ttml to webvtt mapping document

Thierry Michel
Due on:
September 24, 2015
Created on:
September 17, 2015
Associated Product:
TTML WebVTT mapping note
Related emails:
  1. {minutes} TTWG Meeting 2015-09-24 (from on 2015-09-24)
  2. {agenda} TTWG Meeting 2015-09-24 (from on 2015-09-23)
  3. {minutes} TTWG Meeting 2015-09-17 (from on 2015-09-17)
  4. ACTION-423: Check the license on the ttml to webvtt mapping document (from on 2015-09-17)

Related notes:

I did not explicitly choose a license for this document, but ReSpec put it in based on the document type. I had made the type of the document "Unofficial" in an effort to get ReSpec to remove a bad link under the Latest Published Version. I have changed the document type to Editor's note, and now it has the correct license, but once again has the bad link. This is preferable, I think.

Courtney Kennedy, 18 Sep 2015, 22:28:14

Updated the document again. It is now an Unofficial Document ( so no bad links ) but has the correct copyright notice on it.

Courtney Kennedy, 23 Sep 2015, 18:28:49

Display change log.

David Singer <>, Nigel Megitt <>, Chairs, Thierry Michel <>, Philippe Le Hégaret <>, Atsushi Shimono <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 423.html,v 1.1 2019/11/12 10:03:13 carcone Exp $