xmlschema-dev@w3.org from April 2005 by thread

How does inheritance work in XML document instances and how do searches know about that inheritance? John.Hockaday@ga.gov.au (Friday, 29 April)

Language Theorie concerning the classification of tests within the XML Schema test suite Gregor (Thursday, 28 April)

XML schema interop problems Vladislav Bezrukov (Wednesday, 27 April)

Problems running xsv (xml schema validator) Sharon Krisher (Wednesday, 27 April)

Identity-constraints, attributes and lax/skip wildcards Kasimier Buchcik (Tuesday, 26 April)

Liquid XML 2005 Launched Simon Sprott (Thursday, 21 April)

newbie help -- schema cange suggestions needed Scott Paulding (Wednesday, 20 April)

[Bug report] XSV Restriction Error Martin Thomson (Tuesday, 19 April)

W3C schema, RelaxNG, and Schematron Dan Vint (Monday, 18 April)

Online version of XSV has experimental enforcement of 'all' groups Henry S. Thompson (Friday, 15 April)

New release (2.9) of XSV Henry S. Thompson (Thursday, 14 April)

<enumeration> of duration types Kasimier Buchcik (Thursday, 14 April)

xhtml and xml schema Bryan Rasmussen (Thursday, 14 April)

Announce: JaxMe 0.4 beta Jochen Wiedmann (Wednesday, 13 April)

Using xsd:type in xml files Nicolas Mailhot (Monday, 11 April)

converting old schema to final recommendation Kurt Riede (Sunday, 10 April)

Element + complextype name in xml schema Nicolas Mailhot (Friday, 8 April)

Restriction of cardinality Anders Sønderberg Mortensen (Friday, 8 April)

Using <unique> for multilingual elements Randy J. Ray (Friday, 8 April)

schema test suite - does fix make sense? Kasimier Buchcik (Friday, 8 April)

abstract element declarations in content model Kasimier Buchcik (Friday, 8 April)

new to schema: Unique Particle Attribution Kostas Karadamoglou (Tuesday, 5 April)

Namespace error Farid.Mahini@L-3com.com (Tuesday, 5 April)

Call for Participation: W3C Workshop on XML Schema 1.0 User Experiences C. M. Sperberg-McQueen (Monday, 4 April)

SV: rules for handling document elements not in the target namesp ace? Bryan Rasmussen (Monday, 4 April)

Substitution groups question Stan Kitsis (Friday, 1 April)

Both extending and restricting with <redefine> Hirtle, David (Friday, 1 April)

Last message date: Friday, 29 April 2005 08:31:41 UTC