Applied Semantics, and Others Wants to Sell Us Shrink-wrap....(?)

Folks - I hear data indicating that Department of Defense agencies 
are starting to purchase semantic based packages, whatever that
really means past the advertising hype, I don't really know.
DoD folks are coming to me for some form of purchase policy guidance.
I do not have a clue what to tell them at this point. I mention RDF &
dark triples and their eyes glaze over, kind of like mine do.
ANY input for the War Fighter would be greatly appreciated here.
Wait for standards?
Buy into the emerging, heir apparent, defacto product?
Wait for Microsoft to throw a billion or two at it soon?
Respectfully - Stanton
Department of Defense


Dear John, 	

Are you interested in powerful and intuitive tools to organize unstructured
information? Applied Semantics develops innovative software solutions that
enable businesses to better organize, manage, and retrieve digital
information in Web-enabled, enterprise, and e-commerce environments. 

We are presenting a free online demonstration of our Enterprise Solutions on
Thursday, April 18 from 10:00am to 11:00am PST conducted by Chris Daniels,
Director of Business Development. 

The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session enabling participants to
learn more about our Auto-Categorizer 1.1 (with new taxonomy administration
tools), Metadata Creator, and Page Summarizer. 

We will show you how Applied Semantics' solutions are used to: 

- Create and edit taxonomies 

- Map categories to the exact concepts that best represent them 

- Categorize documents into multiple taxonomies 

- Automatically add metatags to documents 

- Produce customized summaries of documents 

 <> Sign Up Today! 

To register, please click the link and follow the steps as instructed.
Applied Semantics' online seminars are conducted directly through your
browser and are free to all participants. In addition, you may also contact
Chris Daniels at 310.446.8162 x259 to register. 

Over 50 companies have used Applied Semantics' products and services to
increase their revenues, lower their costs, and unlock the value of their
unstructured information. Let us show you how we can do the same for you.
Contact us today. 

DATE: Thursday, April 18 
TIME: 10:00am to 11:00am PST 

The Applied Semantics Team 


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