VoiceXML 2.0 Implementation Report Plan Updated

The Voice Browser Working Group is pleased to announce the final major
update to the VoiceXML 2.0 Implementation Report Plan
(http://www.w3.org/Voice/2003/ir/voicexml20-ir.html). This contains over
600 assertions and tests, and is largely a superset of the previous
version. The plan contains information about how to run the tests and a
template for submitting reports to the W3C. Any further updates or
changes to the plan will be announced on www-voice@w3.org.

Due to the size and complexity of the VoiceXML 2.0 specification, the
Voice Browser Working Group welcomes the submission of partial as well
as complete implementation reports. Implementors are encouraged to
submit reports as soon as possible, even if the report only covers a
subset of the tests. To advance VoiceXML 2.0 to the next stage of the
W3C process, we need implementation reports which describe at least two
interoperable implementations of each mandatory feature, and one
implementation of each optional feature. We hope to receive many more
reports than the minimum.

Our target date for receiving all implementation reports has been
revised to the 1st May 2003. If you plan to submit a report after that
please let us know in advance. An announcement will be sent to
www-voice@w3.org indicating when we have received sufficient reports to
proceed to the next stage of the W3C process.

Implementation report submissions may be public or anonymous. 

In public submissions, the name of the implementor will be known to the
public and to W3C members. Public submissions should be sent to the
public voice list, www-voice@w3.org.

In anonymous submissions, the name of the implementor will be known to
W3C members only. Their name and the contents of their report will be
treated as confidential information and, following W3C procedures, will
not be disclosed to non-members.  Anonymous submissions should be sent
to team-voicexml-testsuite@w3.org.

The Voice Browser implementation report on VoiceXML 2.0, which collects
together the submitted reports, will be a public document.  In that
document the table of detailed test results will not reveal the
implementor's name, independent of whether the results were submitted
publically or anonymously.

If you have any further questions on the VoiceXML 2.0 implementation
report, please let us know.

Scott McGlashan
Co-chair, Voice Browser Working Group, W3C

Received on Thursday, 10 April 2003 08:17:29 UTC