Re: Question about applicability of authoring tool requirements

Yeah, when I worked on the original Authoring Tool Accessibility
Guidelines in W3C two decades ago we basically covered anything that  
people used to create
or manipulate content for putting on the web. I don't think anything has  
happened that would suggest that should change.

So stuff that is used for commenting, uploading User-Generated Content and
the like is definitely in there, even if it is mostly a feature of a
website. (Turns out that a large part of what applies is the same
requirements as for interactive websites, but there are a few extra things
that are really important, and a few common things that are
extra-important in the contexts of authoring environments.

(A video editing suite and a rich text editor are pretty different. Which
is why covering "authoring tools" is actually a hard - and therefore
really interesting - challenge technically).


On Thu, 12 Sep 2019 21:19:41 +0200, Jonathan Avila
<> wrote:

> From a 508 perspective authored content is anything sharable with  
> another person including creation of video content.   I take this to  
> include forum posts, editors, wiki's, site creation tools, software that  
> exports video, whiteboards, and tools that create documents, etc.

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