Re: Law?

I am not a lawyer. Your question is best answered by a qualified, 
experienced attorney.

However, in the US, the accepted best practice is to first try to 
resolve any dispute without involving the courts (avoiding what are 
called "drive-by lawsuits"). Usually with the assistance of an attorney, 
the affected party (a user who is unable to use the website) contacts 
the company in question, and tries to resolve the issue through discussion.

Lawsuits are only filed when that process breaks down.

Ryan Jean wrote:
> How does one know when to file a complaint or lawsuit against a website 
> for not being web accessible? I mean I wouldn’t think one would file a 
> lawsuit against a website that was just made by an individual for fun, 
> but against a big name company website yes. So, where is the line in this?
> Sincerely,
> Ryan Jean
> Assistant IT Specialist
> The Disability Network
> Flint, MI

Received on Monday, 13 April 2009 15:21:14 UTC