Fw: newspaper website offering a braille-friendly file

hello Jim

http://ojr.org/ojr/technology/1071101847.php writes:
>But some enterprising news sites are designing their sites with blind
readers in mind -- and finding it's easier >than they expected, and it
hardly costs a thing.

How accessible are these news sites for people with learning
disabilities or for people who can not use a mouse?

Accessible websites should be websites accessible for all without extra
versions for e.g.braille etc. Locking out one group of disabled people
but accessible for another,  is not my understanding of the tem
"accessible websites". Perhaps I might be very wrong?

In some important German papers also attention has been spent on
accessible webdesign, but most articles really tell that accesible
websites benefit all.  They even explain why it is important to indicate
language switches and abbreviations in the code.

Ineke van der Maat

Received on Friday, 24 September 2004 14:43:01 UTC