Re: CFC Move WCAG 2.2 to Candidate Recommendation

+ 1
Cristina Mussinelli
Fondazione LIA

Da: Alastair Campbell <>
Data: giovedì 27 aprile 2023, 01:13
A: "WCAG list (" <>
Oggetto: CFC Move WCAG 2.2 to Candidate Recommendation
Rinviato da: <>
Data rinvio: giovedì 27 aprile 2023, 01:12

Hi everyone,

Call For Consensus — ends Tuesday 2nd April at 5pm Boston time.

The Working Group has agreed (in meetings) to re-start the Candidate Recommendation stage for WCAG 2.2.

This CFC is to approve that transition into CR, including the changes made since the last one.

There are updates to Target Size and Focus Appearance, which can be viewed here:

These two SCs will be marked ‘at risk’, with a fallback to the previous versions. If that fall back is also not agreed, then it would result in removal. (For Focus Appearance, the fallback would be the previous text at AAA level.)
The fallbacks for ‘at risk’ are subject to approval from W3C management, we would return to the group if it is not approved.

Minor changes since the last CR:

  *   A non-normative change to Focus Not Obscured (adjusting the notes) was agreed:

  *   Accessibility Authentication had “(minimum)” added to the name:

If you have concerns about this proposed consensus position that have not been discussed already and feel that those concerns result in you “not being able to live with” this decision, please let the group know before the CfC deadline.

Kind regards,



@alastc /<>


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Received on Friday, 28 April 2023 07:24:35 UTC