SILVER is looking for an experienced project manager

The Silver team is looking for an experienced project manager from one of our member companies.  We would like someone from outside the WCAG3 project, because we don't want to lose any of our members to the job.  Please check within your organization and see if there is someone experienced in project management who would be interested in helping us and would have permission and support of your management.  We are expanding the request we sent several months ago to all members of Silver and AGWG. We will reach out to those who expressed interest in the prior request to determine if interest remains.

The AGWG Chairs and Silver Task Force leaders have generated a set of requirements that we anticipate will be needed.  Please note that Chairs and Task Force Leaders anticipate participating and assisting in the execution of these requirements:

Project Manager Requirements

*         Overall

o   Project manager facilitates a final product that is on time, and meets the expectations of Silver and AGWG members.

o   The ability to self-assess and re-evaluate

o   High-level view of everything

*         Planning

o   Responsible for formulating a plan to meet the objectives of the project while adhering to an approved timeline

o   Identify resources necessary to complete project

o   Anticipate time requirements

o   Develop strategy for communication among relevant stakeholders

o   Maintenance Plans

*         Organizing

o   Develop a project plan

o   Define priorities

o   Rec-track work

*         Leading

o   Excellent communication skills

o   Identify participants strengths and weaknesses

o   Assign tasks, set deadlines, meet regularly with members

*         Execution

o   Participate in and supervise execution of each stage of project

*         Time management

o   Create a project schedule

o   Assist team to stay on schedule

o   Responsible for resolving derailments and challenges

o   Identify risks and develop contingency plans

*         Documentation

o   Develop effective way to measure and analyze progress

o   Develop effective way to communicate progress to relevant stakeholders

*         Processes

Any member who knows someone who is interested in taking on this role or exploring this role in greater detail should contact the chairs and task force leaders.

Charles Adams

Received on Friday, 14 May 2021 19:51:08 UTC