Re: Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 - Deaf/Hard of Hearing Consumers

This fits clearly into the space of realising that the Web isn't entirely a
closed system - it is also part of the real world. There are times when
moving outside the Web is desirable (certain transactions for example often
require some kind of ink-on-paper signature), and it is important to be aware
that doing this doesn't magically end the requirement for accessibility - a
system that relies on something non-web-based but includes the Web isn't
going to be accessible if only the Web part is accessible.

I suspect that this is something more related to general reminders than
checkpoints, but it is worth keeping in mind.



On Thu, 22 Aug 2002, by way of Wendy A Chisholm <> wrote:

>W3C-WAI / Others,
>I came across the W3C web site today and learned that
>the Draft Web Content Accessibility Content Guidelines
>2.0 was recently released: Due to the fact that I had
>submitted a suggestion last fall - upon reviewing the
>guidelines, I don't believe I saw any suggestions or
>recommendations that allow consumers to specify their
>preferred method of communication.
>If it's in there under Guideline # 5, it does not seem
>to provide enough specifics or clear as to the need for
>consumers to use ttys and relay services, etc. Perhaps
>you might include example(s) and/or refer to Web Form
>Techniques or something like that.
>This goes back to the recommendation I had submitted
>last fall, which I still believe is important -
>especially for companies that interact and do business
>with consumers. I'm not saying it should be required or
>strictly enforced, but should be "recommended" and be
>pointed out.  Businesses themselves can benefit from
>this recommendation.
>This suggestion was also included in the recent book
>published by Jim Thatcher / Glasshaus in "Constructing
>Accessible Web Sites".
>Again, the suggestion can be viewed at - which has been
>updated from time to time.
>Please review and I look forward to discussing this
>matter further, don't hesitate to contact me if you have
>any questions.
>Also, take notice that my email address has changed.
>Again, Thank you for your time and attention to this
>Donald L. Moore

Charles McCathieNevile  tel: +61 409 134 136
SWAD-E ------------ WAI
 21 Mitchell street, FOOTSCRAY Vic 3011, Australia  fax(fr): +33 4 92 38 78 22
 W3C, 2004 Route des Lucioles, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Received on Monday, 26 August 2002 15:20:42 UTC