Re: 22 Aug 2002 - WCAG WG Teleconference Minutes

With apologies for my inability to attend today's meeting, here are my
comments on the minutes:

1. If checkpoint 4.1 is rewritten as Avi, Lisa et al., have suggested,
   viz., "Use plain language", then it will not be possible to move
   what is currently in checkpoint 3.1 under checkpoint 4.1.

2. At today's meeting, the overlaps between 1.3 and 3.1 success
   criteria were addressed and I think excellent progress has been

3. The point referring to "reading order" was not intended simply to
   address tables, much less tables used for layout; it is a much more
   general claim that (within a single document/user interface) it
   must be possible to create a reasonable, linear reading order.
   Everything from columnized text (with no markup to disambiguate it)
   to tables (again without proper markup) to the use of graphical
   layout operators, for example in SVG, to control the presentation
   and arrangement of text (again without adequate markup) should fail
   to satisfy this point. The underlying claim is that there ought to
   exist sufficient semantics (in markup/data model as per checkpoint
   1.3) to enable a reading order to be constructed. Thus the requirement
   belongs as a success criterion under 1.3.

In general I think the meeting was excellent, judging by the minutes.

Received on Friday, 23 August 2002 00:42:35 UTC