Re: schedule for WCAG 2.0?


When you refer to "final version complete" - are you asking when WCAG 2.0 
will be published as a W3C Recommendation?  We do not have a timetable for 
going to Recommendation but my own personal opinion is that the earliest 
this would happen would be by the end of the year.  Please refer to the W3C 
process that we  must follow in order to publish a recommendation:

As far as publishing the guidelines for external review, a public working 
draft of WCAG 2.0 was published 25 January 2001 at  The deadline for comments on this draft is 22 
February 2001.

Per W3C policy, it is recommended that we publish work for public review 
every 3 months.

When WCAG 1.0 was published, we published the Techniques at the same 
time.  I anticipate the same process this time when we go to 
Recommendation, that all supporting materials will be published at the same 
time.  Until then, we should have a variety of work drafts of all of the 
documents and not necessarily published at the same time.  We will have 
several subgroups focusing on different technologies and I expect drafts 
from each subgroup at different times.  However, fresh versions of all 
documents will be generated for public releases.

Have I answered your questions?  It would help me to know why you are 
wondering about timelines. I am concerned that some people might see us 
working on WCAG 2.0 and discount WCAG 1.0, when 2.0 is merely making 1.0 
better and should not raise any major inconsistencies. in other words, 
people should go ahead and use WCAG 1.0 since 2.0 won't be out for a while.

At 05:58 PM 2/13/01 , Annuska Perkins wrote:
>Can someone please point me to the current schedule for rolling out the 2.0
>guidelines? In particular, I'd like to know the dates for:
>- draft of guidelines and techniques posted for external review (is this one
>step or will the guidelines be available before the techniques are ready?)
>- deadline for review comments
>- final version complete
>Annuska Perkins
>PM, Accessible Technology Group

wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium
web accessibility initiative
madison, wi usa
tel: +1 608 663 6346

Received on Tuesday, 13 February 2001 20:08:52 UTC