charter scope

"The WCAG working group will produce original technical documents for 
authors with some familiarity with markup languages. The Education and 
Outreach working group will produce derivations of the document for both 
technical and non-technical audiences."

I think that this quote from the CGWG charter makes a very different point 
than what I heard from Wendy and Gregg at today's teleconference. It is 
very difficult for me to reconcile the part about derivations' genesis with 
what was said there.

Jason has said he will take this matter to the CG and in view of this 
"scope" item in our charter I believe there is a strong case to be made 
regarding the issues we've been diverted by recently. The phrase 
"...familiarity with markup languages" seems to emphasize the nature of our 
audience being people who, if they were on the working group, would use 
language not unlike what's in the guidelines - without apology or need to 
justify it being "difficult".

I am glad that we are over this and can get on with the guidelines proper.


Received on Thursday, 14 September 2000 18:21:19 UTC