TABINDEX is very useful when designing HTML dialogs and applications.  For
example, an "OK" button may appear towards the top of the HTML document, but
the button needs to be near the end of the tab order.

If you think of HTML as pages and forms, you are right - TABINDEX isn't used

-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Letourneau []
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 1998 8:40 AM
Subject: Re: TABINDEX

I too have had a difficult time coming up with a practical example for
using TABINDEX in a FORM.  I have to design a very complex and poorly
ordered form to make TABINDEX useful, and it seems much easier to just
design the form well from the start.

However, I have started using TABINDEX to provide the user with a way of
easily skipping over any NAVIGATION bar or advertising links that may lurk
at the top of my pages.   I generally assign TABINDEX=1 to what I feel is
the most important link on the page (quite often the "Next Page" link), and
go on from there as systematically as I can.  Usually the last "n" tab
stops correspond to the standard nav-bar (or nav-bar text alternative)

Happy holiday season to all,
Chuck Letourneau

At 22/12/98 07:24 PM , you wrote:
>It seems to me that providing a tabindex which runs coutner to the flow of
>the page may be fairly disruptive. Thoughts?
>--Charles McCathieNevile -

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