start-reading bookmark - another approach

This came out of the GL telecon today, so I guess most of it will be in 

The idea is that UAs allow browsing by structural divisions. The common 
ones are headings, but HTML provides two elements to mark out otherwise 
unknown tyes of division - SPAN and DIV. If we group links together in a 
DIV (for example with CLASS="nav", TITLE="nav") then we would hope that 
people can either go deeper or skip that DIV.

if we standardise the CLASS then people can write a stylesheet to do what 
they really want with the DIV - shift it to the end, repeat it 
everywhere, etc. It means that UAs 'could' recognise it and do clever 
things as well, although most of those are likely to be the sort of 
things that properly implemented CSS would already provide.

That seems to be a better 'standard technique' to implement. The question 
is how many people can browse by DIV - it may still be helpful (or 
necessary) to provide a 'skip-links' link. (how about a skip-ads link?)

The implementation of the former solution is likely to mitigate against 
the latter, so we should think carefully about it.

Charles McCN

Received on Thursday, 5 November 1998 18:42:33 UTC