Lists examples in Section B

I think that the section "bullets" in Appendix B
of the guidelines (0414 version) is problematic.

In my view example 2 is actually what authors *should* do.

There is no reason to give alternative text to bullets generated 
by stylesheets since the browser generates a regular bullet  
whenever the graphical bullet doesn't show
(images or stylesheets turned off or not supported).

using the IMG element to insert graphical bullets should be 
discouraged since it is impossible to markup it in a way that will
be rendered well in all possible media.

On the other hand examples 1 and 4 will generate a 
double bullet for each item if stylesheets are turned off or not supported.
E.g. example 4 will be formatted by a text browser as:

1. One: Room
2. Two: nice guy

In example 3 one may recommend instead something like:

<STYLE ...>
UL LI {list style: url(yellow.gif) }
UL LI.New { list-style: url(red.gif) } 

<LI class=New>Roth IRA. New!</LI> 
<LI>401 K</LI>
<LI> ... </LI>

The word "New!" is written explicitly, to make sure that 
everyone gets the message,
And the different bullets (if shown)
give additional distiction between old and new items.


Nir Dagan                            
Assistant Professor of Economics      
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Barcelona (Spain)


Received on Friday, 17 April 1998 07:26:10 UTC