Proposal to update ATAG2 conformance claims section to better match WCAG 2.0

The original proposal was a change-tracking marked DOCX linked from here ( Here is the proposal in plain text:

Conformance Claims (Optional)

Required Components of a Conformance Claim
Conformance claims are not required. Authoring tools can conform to ATAG 2.0 without making a claim. However, if a conformance claim is made, then the conformance claim must include the following information:

1. Date of the claim
2. Guidelines title, version and URI "Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 at TBD"
3. Conformance level satisfied: (Level A, AA or AAA)
4. Authoring tool information: The name of the authoring tool and sufficient additional information to specify the version (e.g., vendor name, version number (or version range), required patches or updates, human language of the user interface or documentation).
 - Note: If the authoring tool is a collection of software components (e.g., a markup editor and a separate accessibility checker), then information must be provided separately for each component, although the conformance claim will treat them as a whole. *A NOTE RE WHO CAN MAKE A CLAIM*. 
5. Platform (s): The platform(s) upon which the authoring tool was evaluated:
 a) For user agent platform(s) (used to evaluate web-based authoring tool user interfaces): provide the name and version information of the user agent(s).
 b) For platforms that are not user agents (used to evaluate non-web-based authoring tool user interfaces): provide the name and version information of the platform(s) (e.g., desktop operating system, mobile operating system, cross-OS environment) and the name and version of the platform accessibility service(s) employed.
6. A  list of Web content technologies produced by the authoring tool that are included in the claim. If there are any web content technologies produced by the authoring tool that are not included in the conformance claim, these must be listed separately.
7. If any success criteria are to be considered not applicable, an explanation is to be provided.

Optional Components of a Conformance Claim
In addition to the required components of a conformance claim above, consider providing additional information to assist authors. Recommended additional information includes:
* A list of success criteria beyond the level of conformance claimed that have been met.  
* Information about any additional steps taken that go beyond the success criteria to enhance accessibility.
* A machine-readable metadata version of the conformance claim.
* A  description of the authoring tool that identifies the types of editing-views that it includes.
* A  description of how the ATAG 2.0 success criteria were met where this may not be obvious.
Note: Refer to Understanding Conformance Claims for more information and example conformance claims.


Received on Friday, 28 October 2011 17:28:37 UTC