Re: test cases wording

> My action item
> 20030919#14 PatH To consider amendments to test cases
>                  concerning nonentailments
> was to suggest a form of words for describing what it
> means to pass a negative entailment test, right?
> Suggestion:
> "The test is considered to be passed if the entailment
> is <em>not</em> drawn using the rules of RDF-entailment
> or RDFS-entailment, as above."
> -->
> "The test is <em>failed</em> if the conclusion can be
> drawn from the premises using the rules of RDF- or
> RDFS-entailment. The test is considered to be
> <em>passed</em> when a thorough attempt to fail the
> test is unable to achieve failure."

I'm afraid that I can't make code for that last part...

> This sounds vague, but then success at a non-entailment
> test *is* vague, so the wording is designed to suggest
> to a thoughtful reader that the notion needs some care.

Adjectives like "thorough" and "vague" are soft for humans
but hard for soft(ware)...
I actually have no other wording and so I pass ;-)

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Wednesday, 1 October 2003 16:17:46 UTC