Re: Cut back RDFCore semantics doc

Looking at the latest editors draft.


>> That version suffers the following defects vis-a-vis simple completeness
>> <eg:a> <eg:b> <eg:a> .
>> entails
>> _:a <eg:b> _:b .
>> but this cannot be shown.
>> Similarly
>> _:a <eg:b> _:a .
>> entails
>> _:a <eg:b> _:b .
>> but this cannot be shown.


> Right, it doesnt claim to be complete for simple entailment, only a 
> complete rendering down of vocabulary entailment to simple entailment. 
> To check simple entailment you have to refer to the relevant section and 
> it tells you to use the interpolation lemma.

Why do you prefer the wording in the editors draft over the wording in

>> However your wording in msg
>> is, I believe, satisfactory.

Although I agree your statements of the RDF RDFS entailment lemmas is 
robust against this issue.


Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2003 15:31:47 UTC