Re: attempting to remove confusion RE: designating datatypes

Another possible test case -
as far as I can tell
xsd:NCName and xsd:ID have the same L, V and L2V, but have different names.

In OWL Full (which admittedly is not our problem), under the LC document we
would have had:

xsd:NCName owl:sameIndividualAs xsd:ID .

being a consistent document.

With the current editor's draft the same document is inconsistent.

I wonder whether Pat's treatment could be changed slightly so that the set D
rather than being a set of datatypes, is a set of pairs of (urirefs and

Then D must be a subset of I (the interpretation function in the MT), which
gets the naming constraint Pat is trying to introduce.

I suspect Pat could make that work ... is it worth his effort?


Received on Thursday, 27 February 2003 07:49:51 UTC