RDFS interpretation of typed literals

Considering the RDF statement:

   ex:s ex:p "foo"^^ddd .

where ddd is any URI other than rdf:XMLLiteral.

Is this statement true, false or undefined in an RDF[S] interpretation?

As far as I can tell, the denotation of "foo"^^ddd is defined by 
interpretation function IL, for which there are no semantic constraints in 
RDF and RDFS interpretations except for the datatype rdf:XMLLiteral.

So I think the above statement is either True or False, depending on the 
interpretation used.  So far, so good.  But is this an RDFS-entailment:

   ex:s ex:p "foo"^^ddd .
   ex:s ex:p _:b .
   _:b rdf:type rdfs:Literal .

Intuitively, I would have said "yes", but as far as I can tell from the 
semantics spec, the answer is "no".  This is an entailment only in a 
{RDFS,ddd}-interpretation, because it is only a D-interpretation that 
places the required constraints on the relationships between 
I(rdfs:Literal), LV and IL.

Am I correct?  Is this what we expected?


PS:  this would be consistent with the entailment rules, for which I was 
working through my implementation when I noticed this.

Graham Klyne
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Received on Monday, 15 December 2003 13:59:51 UTC