Re: simple entailments for numerals

I know (is important for imaging)
my take now is always take IEEE 754 double and stay within
te preserved interval of xsd:long and xsd:unsignedLong

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

                    Graham Klyne                                                                                         
                    <Graham.Klyne@MIMEsw       To:     "Jos De_Roo" <>                      
          >                 cc:     "w3c-rdfcore-wg" <>                          
                                               Subject:     Re: simple entailments for numerals                          
                    2002-10-23 11:38 AM                                                                                  

Jos, a nit:

You're mixing representations here that are usually used for integers and
floats respectively.

I have seen a compelling case argued (I think it was part of the XSD
debate) that for the purposes of computation these should be regarded as
distinct value spaces, as computer-floats behave in several ways subtly
differently than integers and reals.

Ahh... Google is sooo good! See [1].



At 10:18 PM 10/22/02 +0200, Jos De_Roo wrote:

>[just to report some experience]
>it seems to me that numbers are important
>so in
>   :Jenny :age '10' .
>the '10' (which is *not* the "10" but a
>syntactic shorthand for xsd:decimal"10" or
>any subclassed value of it)
>denotes the number 10
>and so
>   :Jenny :age '10' .
>   :Jenny :age '+1E1' .
>-- ,
>Jos De Roo, AGFA

Graham Klyne

Received on Wednesday, 23 October 2002 06:54:04 UTC