RE: Typed literals text

> IMO, XML Schema got it wrong.
> There's no reason why RDF should repeat that error.
> And this is one good reason why RDF datatyping should be framework
> neutral, so that we are free to address such requirements as language
> qualification of typed literals while still supporting other standards
> such as XML Schema.

W3C specs should work together.

If XSD is wrong, we should tell them, and it is their responsibility to fix
it - not ours.

If we go off and do our own thing then we condemn the semantic web to
further fragmentation and Aaron's tag line will become "RDF - ten years of

We *must* be prepared to live with other working groups decisions, even
those we don't like. (Of course, our implementations may choose to diverge,
but as a W3C standards body we should not endorse such behaviour).


Received on Thursday, 17 October 2002 04:27:30 UTC