Re: Datatype test cases/ datatype entailment/ datatype support.

Oops; what I just wrote (22 Nov 2002 12:04:17 -0600)
is quite different from what Jeremy writes.

But I don't actually disagree with him.

In fact, I think I prefer his idea to mine.

On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 11:50, Jeremy Carroll wrote:
> [[
> The cross-datatype entailment test cases are reasonably clear cut, from
> a mathematical point of view, I think. But Patrick raises a good point
> when he asks (with a weather eye on implementation?) "what does it mean
> to say that datatype X is supported?"
> ]]
> Are the test cases primarily, tests for implementors; or are they primarily
> tests about our language.
> I think the latter, and implementors have to piggy back.
> Thus the schema defintions could read:
> <rdf:Property>
>     rdf:about="&testns;datatypeSupport">
>     <rdfs:comment>The subject of this triple is
> of type test:PositiveEntailmentTest or test:NegativeEntailmentTest,
> in which the entailment is
> a datatype entailment.
> In terms of
> this reflects a D-entailment, where the datatype described by
> the object of this triple is a member of the set D of recognized datatypes.
>    </rdfs:comment>
> </rdf:Property>
>   <rdfs:Class rdf:about="&testns;PositiveEntailmentTest">
>     <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Positive Entailment Test</rdfs:label>
>     <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">These tests are specified by one or more
> premise documents (in RDF/XML or N-Triples) together with a single
> conclusion document.
> The premise files together entail the conclusion document, as specified
> by the RDF Semantics; where the type of entailment
> (e.g. simple entailment or RDFS-entailment) is  as specified
>  by test:entailmentRules and test:datatypeSupport properties.
> </rdfs:comment>
>     <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&testns;"/>
>   </rdfs:Class>
>   <rdfs:Class rdf:about="&testns;NegativeEntailmentTest">
>     <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Negative Entailment Test</rdfs:label>
>     <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">These tests are specified by one or more
> premise documents (in RDF/XML or N-Triples) together with a single
> conclusion document.
> The premise files together do not entail the conclusion document, as
> specified
> by the RDF Semantics; where the type of entailment
> (e.g. simple entailment or RDFS-entailment) is  as specified
>  by test:entailmentRules and test:datatypeSupport properties.
> </rdfs:comment>
>     <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&testns;"/>
>   </rdfs:Class>
> ====
> The idea is that the definition in testSchema.rdf lead one to think about
> the formal recommendation and what it says, rather than what an implementor
> must or must not do.
> (Which is a topic we have tried to avoid!)
> Thus, we do not answer Patrick's question.
> Jeremy
Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Friday, 22 November 2002 13:07:57 UTC