Re: TDL Model Theory

I was too quick on the send key.  When I said:

>Something thing that is bothering me about this is:  the interpretation of 
>a Unicode node is stated in such a way that there may be several 
>literal-value pairs that could be denoted.  Do you mean the interpretation 
>in this case to be ambiguous?  Suppose that data types BinaryNumber and 
>DecimalNumber are recognized, then a node labelled "10" can denote:
>    <BinaryNumber,2>
>    <DecimalNumber,10>

I really meant to say:
>    <"10",2>
>    <"10",10>


Graham Klyne                    MIMEsweeper Group
Strategic Research              <>
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Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2002 17:44:55 UTC