Re: Zip files of test cases


> The current test cases have a regular format that is easy to automate
> tests against: look for an rdf file, and an nt file and match them up.
> Or look for an error file and check you fail it.
> If we were to extend the test cases with different paradigms I would
> suggest:
> + the paradigm should be clear.
> + there should be no need to read a readme to understand a particular
> test
> + the different paradigms should be different top-level directories.
> e.g. we copy all the current tests into a directory "syntax" leaving the
> internal structure unchanged,
> The paradigm syntax supports error*.rdf and test*.{rdf,nt} tests.
> We could then have a paradigm "entailment" each test could consist of a
> directory with two sub-directories "premises" and "conclusions".
> The "premises" sub-directory would then include the axioms file as well
> as others.
> Personally I think I would prefer that each test in the "entailment"
> paradigm used either RDF/XML or N-triples for its facts (not both). No
> point in confusing a test for one thing with a test for another.
> We can still have a readme explaining the paradigm, just we expect to
> have more than one test in the same paradigm, and the developer having
> chosen to run tests of this paradigm only needs to write one lot of
> code.

this is also syntactic stuff and I had better used the symbol |-
  S |- R  i.e. "from the set of formulae S we can obtain the formula R"
(RDF graph seen as a formula)

> Another paradigm I proposed earlier was "equality" where each test
> consisted of two or more RDF/XML files that contain the same model. I
> saw this as useful for testing xml:lang, which does not occur in
> N-triples.

at the moment we do that also via entailment i.e.
  f1 |- f2 & f2 |- f1
so that's why we keep the f(ormulae) in the same directory
but I can see that we keep the test descriptions distinct

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Tuesday, 18 September 2001 04:39:15 UTC