Actions/Decisions from RDFCore WG Telecon 2001-09-14

Jema noted the following actions during RDFCore WG Telecon 2001-09-14

2001-09-14#1:  art announce testcases wd to rdf interest and rdf logic
mailing lists
2001-09-14#2:  Ar annouce WD to maillists
2001-09-14#3:  Bria produce a style guide for including issues indocs
2001-09-14#4:  eri Form primer subgroup (first cut 14th oct.)

Jema noted the following decisions during RDFCore WG Telecon 2001-09-14

1:  minutes accepted
2:  the nodes formerly known as prince nodes are now and forever more known
as bNodes
3:  subgroup dicussion re: primer will happen on the mailing list

Received on Friday, 14 September 2001 11:00:21 UTC