RE: Schedule

Brian McBride said:

> 02 Jan 2002  Last call announcement
> Eric, Dan and others with experience of this process, does this look feasible?

Unfortunately, I don't think so.

It is feasible that we have new working drafts of all the documents at the
start of the new year. (In fact it is probably mandatory). For those to be
'last call' drafts would require that we have all issues essentially settled
now and only be arguing over how they are worded in the documents. Just
getting all the documents read, commented, changed, re-read, re-edited,
tweaked for consistency, and approved for last call would take all the time
between now and then, esp. given the holiday season that is coming up.

It may be feasible to shoot for having a last call draft at WWW2002.
Anything more aggressive than that is, IMHO, far more likely to be missed
than met.


Received on Friday, 12 October 2001 15:13:29 UTC