Re: Agenda for RDFCore WG Telecon 2001-11-16 wrote:

> 6: Volume of mail traffic
> There has been a noticable increase in the volume of mail traffic to the
> point where some WG members are feeling somewhat overwhelmed.  Is this
> a widespread problem?  What can we do about it?

Well, speaking as one who is becoming so peripheral as to become a
candidate for last week's request for non-attending members to speak up
(How does that item work, anyway? Hands up all who aren't here!)...

Yes, the maillist is becoming a huge time-consuming effort. Brian once
advised that those of us with limited time for W3C duties should be
selective but the recent flood has been such a monolithic lump, two or
three threads but almost all on one extended (and vital) subject, that,
frankly, it takes as long to be selective as not. Besides, I haven't
wanted to miss any of it!

This sub-group's capacity for never-ending argument and counter-argument
has amused, impressed and dismayed me in turns. I just don't know how to
handle it, personally - as a WG member.

How can one contribute without adding more centrifugal forces? To agree
with one viewpoint is to invite a counter-example from the other camp -
and always a very valid one. I don't sense any gravitational centre upon
which these orbiting bodies will eventually converge, one I can add my
mass to. Many's the time I thought about chipping in (like `Who says
shoe sizes are integers anyway?') but have thought better of it - it'd
only cause trouble.

Speaking pragmatically (as an RDF-based-software programmer), I cannot
(yet) see a way to justifying expressing a preference and if I did, I
can't see it helping to contain the argument. (Though Pat's brain dump
got very close to clarifying it for me - until it got pulled apart...)

Help me out, chaps. I honestly think it's been damned impressive but not
efficient for this WG member.

(Really, very, very sorry to add to the maillist load)

Martyn Horner <>
Profium, Les Espaces de Sophia,
Immeuble Delta, B.P. 037, F-06901 Sophia-Antipolis, France
Tel. +33 (0) Fax. +33 (0)
Mob. +33 (0) Internet:

Martyn Horner <>
Profium, Les Espaces de Sophia,
Immeuble Delta, B.P. 037, F-06901 Sophia-Antipolis, France
Tel. +33 (0) Fax. +33 (0)
Mob. +33 (0) Internet:

Received on Friday, 16 November 2001 08:07:55 UTC