Re: Action Item: proposal for posting resolved issues

On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 05:44:22PM +0100, Dave Beckett wrote:
> I think rather:
>    [6.19] Qname          ::= NSprefix ':' name
> i.e. compulsory prefix, but I'll work on a full list of grammar changes

Yes, thanks Dave - that's what I meant.

> > I would not expect these type of changes to be placed in the
> > errata.  As a convenience to the WG (and the RDF community), I
> > think it would be useful to consolidate these type of changes
> > in a document as I have described.  All changes in that document
> > would be subject to some type of "it's not over till it's over"
> > provisio as I stated previously.
> I'm also uncomfortable calling this errata, but would prefer to have
> some statement in the errata for RDF M&S, Schema pointing at the
> resolved issues document - some words needed here saying "watch out,
> here are the changes subsequent to this document, changing the syntax
> and model".  The resolved issues document could then give more details
> on the state of proposed changes for those documents.

That all seems OK with me.


Received on Tuesday, 29 May 2001 13:40:23 UTC