Re: Face to Face meeting

Pat wrote:
>Brian wrote:
>>Its time to plan the agenda for the face to face meeting on 1st and 2nd Aug
>>I'd like to solicit suggestions from the WG regarding:
>>  o what you'd like the meeting to accomplish
>>  o what you hope to get from the meeting
>A better understanding of what the basic intuitions are that people
>want to clarify and preserve in 'fixing up' RDF.  RDF seems to be
>many things to many people, some are more ambitious than others, and
>I think they are not all compatible, so we need to make some choices.
>We can't possibly keep everyone happy.

well yes, you have of course as you wrote
  >For the hard core triplers

   That phrase suggests a category of immoral activity which transcends
   merely biblical prohibitions.
]] --

Seriously, I entirely agree with you, we should converge.

>>  o things you'd like to see scheduled during the meeting
>I will leave that to others.

I would say, as someone else already suggested, a lot of breaks...

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Thursday, 21 June 2001 03:57:10 UTC