Re: Provenance and reification

At 20:08 13/11/2001 -0600, Pat Hayes wrote:

>True, but I would advise against signing two checks for $100 and then
>trying to say that it was really just two tokens with the same
>*meaning*, and that you only therefore only have to pay out $100

Encoding of check in RDF:

   <foo:amount>$54000</foo:amount>  <!-- no datatyping issues here please-->
   <foo:digiSigi>a;lkdsjfa;lksdjfa;klsdjfa;skldfj asiofjeuir 

Key thing is the check number.

Two checks with same number and amount = one promise.  Two checks with same 
number and  different amounts = somebody is lying.  Two checks with 
different numbers = two promises.


Received on Tuesday, 11 December 2001 10:52:21 UTC