W3 logo useage

Dear sir,
Which logos may I use and how do I configure them to allow the viewer to 
validate the page?
Do you have some code for this please?
I have 2 websites:
https://www.clifford-evans.com <https://www.clifford-evans.com>
https://www.marycliff.co.uk <https://www.marycliff.co.uk>
Every page has passed the W3 html and css validator checker (nu) version 
so I would very much like to display the correct html and css logos on 
each page but don't know which ones I'm allowed to use.

Also Am I allowed to display the html5 logo?

I created the websites using Dreamweaver CS6 (2017 version) and 
incorporate Foundation javascripts and foundation.css for each page. The 
construction is fluid grid and the websites run equally well on the 
mostly used browsers and all platforms Windows, Mac and Android 
including the mobile phone.

Thank you in advance for your help and for such great validation tools 
which have taught me a lot and sped up my work considerably
Best wishes,

Clifford Evans

Received on Monday, 17 May 2021 12:03:41 UTC