On 18 Nov 2010, at 11:16 AM, Knut Hofland wrote:

> Hi!
> This URL used to work. But now I get 403 Forbidden from a web  
> browser and 500 error from a Java application.
> <!ENTITY % HTMLsymbol PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Symbols//EN//HTML" " 
> ">
> I have a lot of files with this line. But I found a version of the  
> file and has put it on a URL at our own web server. So I am helped  
> by this.

Thank you!

(Please see our FAQ about this as well [1])

  _ Ian


> Best regards
> --
> Knut Hofland,                     |
> special consultant,               |
> Uni Digital,                      |  Phone: +47 5558 9463
> Allegt. 27, N-5007 Bergen, Norway |  Fax:   +47 5558 9470
> //:: In November 2009, Unifob changed its name to
> Uni Research and Unifob AKSIS will change its name to
> Uni Digital.
> Uni Digital is a department of the research company Uni Research.  
> Uni Digital conducts R&D in computational linguistics, language  
> testing, electronic publishing, digital media, and technology- 
> enhanced learning. :://

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                                      +1 718 260 9447

Received on Thursday, 18 November 2010 21:09:13 UTC