Re: Euw

Aran Meuser wrote:
> Ok, well thought you'd like a comment.  I liked the site much better before,
> better organized, easier to find things, and it was easier to see how
> everything linked together.  Now its all in one big list like:
> Accessibility, Amaya, CSS, CSS Validator, DOM, HTML, HTML Tidy, HTML
> Validator, HTTP, Internationalization, Jigsaw, Libwww, MathML,
> Micropayments, Mobile, P3P, PICS, PNG, RDF, SMIL, SVG, TVWeb, URI/URL,
> Voice, WAI, WebCGM, XForms, XHTML, XLink, XML, XML Query, XML Schema, XML
> Signature, XPointer, XSL
> Ick.  Anyways, good luck!  :)

Thanks Aran, your subject says it all!

Well, we are getting a number of comments about the alphabetized
list of keywords. I'm open to suggested improvements!

 _ Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                         +1 831 457-2842
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Monday, 3 July 2000 00:48:08 UTC