Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

16 November 2023


catherine, Daniel, Helen, kathy, trevor, Wilco

Meeting minutes

ACT Standup

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag/discussions/3549

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/aria/discussions/2078

wilco: submitted 6 new rules for approval, 3 to AG WG, 3 to ARIA WG
… 1 response recieved

daniel: ACT Rules format first public working draft review
… FPWD doesn't need CFC to go ahead

trevor: not much to report

kathy: https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/2101/files#

<Wilco> Oh, good point, I also opened two PRs based on ARIA feedback: 2137 and 2139

<Wilco> Would appreciate a review


catherine: reviewed rules from wilco
… will look at surveys due on 9th

tom: not much to report

helen: not much to report

No meeting next week

wilco: thanksgiving is next week, meet again in 2 weeks

Audio element content is media alternative for text

wilco: continue review of responses from last week
… is this rule necessary? is there a diff between a media alternative for text and a text alternative for time based media
… seem to be the same requirements

<Wilco> https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/act/rules/afb423/proposed/

<dmontalvo> Kathy: It didn't but I think that was an oversight

<dmontalvo> ... We're trying to add it in in the next version

<dmontalvo> ... The part "Is clearly labelled as such" is difficult

<dmontalvo> Kathy: I don't think we saw that as a different. First we determine if it's a media equivalent and then we look at the clearly labelled part

<dmontalvo> Kathy: This rule got a little twisted in my head that we are requiring anything and then it may not be clearly labled. But the label here may not be a requirement

wilco: if remove "except when... and clearly labeled as such" from SC 1.2.1, it says the same thing

tom: exception seems unnecessary

helen: doesn't need to be a separate rule

trevor: agree

wilco: think this rule is unnecessary
… auido element content has transcript should map directly to 1.2.1

trevor: main difference is the second expectation from this rule

wilco: the other 2 rules should be deprecated

tom: not exactly the same. looking for audio descriptions
… alternative for time-based media definition implies audio desc is required
… if video is alternative for text, background noise isn't needed

wilco: media alternative for text definition says no more information than is already presented in text

helen: audio that adds to the mood must be included in alternative

wilco: composite rule is only for audio

<Wilco> PROPOSAL: Deprecate this rule, use Audio transcript rule to map to 1.2.1 directly instead

<thbrunet> +1


<trevor> +1

<dmontalvo> +1

<Helen> +1

<Wilco> +1

wilco: helen is liaison to this rule

Iframe elements with identical accessible names have equivalent purpose

wilco: Pass ex 10 has no accname, Fail ex 4 need to be fixed

tom volunteers to be liaison

wilco: jumping to conclusion - simpler rule could be "iframe has descriptive name"
… all automated tools are partially consistent

trevor: we have semi-automated and manual implementations, why is it down to automated

wilco: why not just ask for every iframe

trevor: then missing the case for 2 iframes with same name

daniel: same names to different sources could be a problem

wilco: this came up with advertisements

daniel: very subjective but could be more relevant if more than just ads

trevor: if two iframes were named "vote" but could be very different things to vote on

wilco: descriptive name could be considered when evaluating the iframe

tom: definition of equivalent resource is too vague in rule. "same" or "identical" would be clearer. rule allows two different resources to be equivalent
… if rule says same title if same resources, would be better
… but then alot of pass exs wouldn't be valid
… the advertising one is wrong, not descriptive if they are different ads. should be able to distinguish between the two

wilco: is this rule a meaningful addition to the ruleset?

<Helen> 0

<trevor> +1


<Wilco> PROPOSAL: Keep this rule and eventually add an iframe descriptive title rule

<thbrunet> -1

daniel: pass ex 8, the advertising name, would not be descriptive

tom: agree not descriptive

wilco: think this is acceptable
… don't have enough control over content

tom: if you have different urls you could
… two different urls, two different ad sources

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/tom.brunet@gmail.com//

Succeeded: s/rrrsagent, draft minutes//

Maybe present: tom

All speakers: catherine, daniel, helen, kathy, tom, trevor, wilco

Active on IRC: catherine, dmontalvo, Helen, kathy, thbrunet, trevor, Wilco