02 November 2023


Adam_Page, CurtBellew, Francis_Storr, giacomo-petri, Matt_King, pkra, Rahim, StefanS

Meeting minutes

New Issue Triage


spectranaut_: editorial UIA... no need to discuss


dmontalvo: seems leftover

if jcraig does not object, will remove



jamesn: i will flag this to some others


implementations need to update: webkit and gecko have open bugs

scotto: steve merged.. chrome has already implemented


Rahim: cross-reference to spec where defined

jamesn: css display also has a text node definition

New PR Triage


editorial. jcraig to r+


two approved reviews... need a 3rd

WPT Open PRs


Deep Dive planning

<CurtBellew> Need to drop.

Holiday Schedule: No meeting Nov 23, Dec 28, (Dec 21 XOR Jan 4)?

spectranaut_: No meeting Nov 23 is US Thanksgiving

No meeting Dec 28... and possibly Dec 21 or Jan 4

a couple votes to cancel Dec 21. no objs

Ambiguity in AccName LabelledBy section: "[if] current node is not already 'part of' [sic]…traversal" agendabot]

handling multi-selection / selection confirmation of action for menus

scotto: maybe longer than 10m... less than deep dive

postpone until shorter agenda

Ambiguous cascade of role invalidation rules (including dependency label computation) complicates implementations

<Rahim> role="table grid", role="switch checkbox"?

<Rahim> These are the ones I see in the wild most often...

wg agreed to add role comp algo to the aria spec

Matt_King: questions the value of role fallback

Ambiguous but normative requirement about hidden nodes is hidden by default in AccName

<spectranaut_> Matt_King: are there any implementations that do this/

<spectranaut_> jcraig: I think user agents don't implement this

<spectranaut_> jcraig: I might have only written a local test...

<spectranaut_> Matt_King: my concern is that if someone implements it, and people made accessible names that rely on this feature

<spectranaut_> jcraig: seems like there is enough in hidden that is so inconsistent that backwards breakage in one browser is ok

<spectranaut_> Matt_King: if it is only implemented in one, then I wouldn't be concerned

<spectranaut_> jcraig: this is not implemented across the board

<spectranaut_> Matt_King: if its in chromium that might be concerns

<Zakim> jamesn, you wanted to propose I create an editorial PR to expose all that hidden stuff in Accname

Title should not contribute to accName for generic elements

scotto: should title on generics contribute to accname? pros and cons to this, but it's unclear what the author intended.

Matt_King: please do make the accname change that title should not contribute to accname

Matt_King: I see legitimate use of title on generics (e.g. container divs) but not for naming

jamesn: what about fallback error correction, where a generic div takes focus but has no title

Matt_King: if it's explicitly named

Matt_King: sometimes divs become focusable due to css overflow: scroll

or auto

Rahim: curious about what is the stance of aria naming of generics

if there guidance on when authors put it on a generic

Matt_King: author error

scotto: came down to when it was focused, you'd get different results

jcraig: namefrom: prohibited in the chars table for generic role

coryjoseph: when there is a role added to span/div, title is allowed correct?

scotto: yes...

coryjoseph: there are loads of web apps. will this cause breakage?

Matt_King: the experience will be improved

scotto: probably

jcraig: concerned that if we require implementations to NOT expose this, that's hiding some author provided string that may help an AT user

scotto: maybe title should be exposed in another non-name property like description or otherwise

Matt_King: should this get a deep-dive label?

spectranaut_: yes... will schedule it later

no deep dive next week

<spectranaut_> s/core-aam#207 two approved reviews/aria PR #1931 two approved reviews/

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/diaply/display/

Succeeded: s/shuold/should/

Succeeded: s/what/when/

Succeeded: s/a vote votes/a couple votes/

Succeeded: s/that is we/that if we/

Failed: s/core-aam#207 two approved reviews/aria PR #1931 two approved reviews/

Maybe present: coryjoseph, dmontalvo, jamesn, jcraig, scotto, spectranaut_

All speakers: coryjoseph, dmontalvo, jamesn, jcraig, Matt_King, Rahim, scotto, spectranaut_

Active on IRC: Adam_Page, coryjoseph, CurtBellew, Francis_Storr, giacomo-petri, jamesn, jcraig, Matt_King, pkra, Rahim, scotto, spectranaut_, StefanS