Maturity Model

25 October 2023


CharlesL, Fazio, janina, jkline, Lionel_Wolberger_, nadine, present, sheribyrne
jkline, Lionel_Wolberger_

Meeting minutes

<gb> /issues/140 -> #140

<gb> /issues/142 -> #142

<gb> /issues/143 -> #143

<gb> /issues/145 -> #145

<gb> /issues/153 -> #153

<sheribyrne> present_

<jkline> +present

Equity Subgroup Update from Sheri

sheribyrne: The Equity subgroup is looking at Equity all across W3C, not just accessibility
… currently reporting to AGWG and there was suggestion that it report to some other group

janina: Historically in WAI APA is the right place, as APA is chartered for cross-organizational review
… if not WAI then perhaps TAG

janina: I will bring this up at the WAI-CC

sheribyrne: Equity was considering a maturity model
… I suggested two alternatives
… 1 they provide proof points as an extension of our Maturity Model
… 2 they provide proof points that we incorporate into our model
… either way, they need to define their proof points
… and the group has begun that work.
… One issue that Equity felt strongly about, is improving on the phrase 'proof points'

<Fazio> I don't like our jargon either

sheribyrne: they argue that it does not translate well into other languages, as well as other objections
… they propose 'evidence' perhaps as an alternative
… Tzviya noted that sustainability also wants to contribute proof points (or whatever they will be called)

janina: The alternatives sound good, either extension or incorporation
… we did think this could fit under culture
… regarding 'proof points' vs 'evidence'
… evidence is a collective noun, while proof points are quite specific
… will it say 'evidence points' for example? We need to consider and propose
… Also noting, this is a positive sign

jkline: Agree it's a positive sign
… not wedded to 'proof points'. 'Evidence points' could work as well. I am open to this change as long as we find the appropriate terminology.
… I do want to ensure that we remain focused on 'support of building accessible IT and the organizational capacity and maturity within organizations'
… these concerns for equity, sustainability might divert us from that goal

Fazio: Sheri gave a great presentation on LLMs at M-Enabling where Equity played a big role
… I have found in my sharing this model in LATAM and elsewhere, the language is found to be a bit hard to grasp

sheribyrne: I did hear an opinion that it will be eaiser for the USA Federal Govt to adopt this, if it is one model

jkline: Keep the end users in mind. It is already not exactly lightweight.
… the more it has, the more people might be reluctant to pick it up

sheribyrne: Note that it is modular, and people can pick up the part that they want

sheribyrne: I find that 'evidence' is a non-countable noun, so it can be singular or collective
… in addition, we are talking about adding proof points to all dimensions

janina: Is evidence sufficient? It does not quantify easily

sheribyrne: We can number them with unique identifiers

General discussion of the term 'proof points'

janina: We need to discuss and consider the choices

Lionel_Wolberger_: See above in the minutes for some discussion on 'evidence' vs. 'proof points'

New Business

Sheri now in the audit committee for W3c

discussed how to obtain grant funding for DEI activities

GitHub Issue #140 Executive sponsor in place vs Executive leadership in place

<gb> /issues/140 -> #140


<Fazio> w3c/maturity-model#140

<gb> Issue 140 Executive sponsor in place' vs 'Executive leadership in place' (by clapierre) [Editorial]

Issue 140 - Exec leadershiip

Exec leadership vs exec sponsorship terminology...in discussion

Discussion on new terminology....leadership vs. champion discussion.

references provided on where exec sponsorship appears

Close issue... don't see a significant path to improve current terminology

GitHub Issue #142 Business strategy includes accessibility as a market differentiator

<gb> /issues/142 -> #142

<Fazio> w3c/maturity-model#142

<gb> Issue 142 'Business strategy includes accessibility as a market differentiator' (by clapierre) [Editorial]

Need the term "promoting" in the proof point

Business strategy includes promoting accessibility as a market differentiator'

<Fazio> will edit 3.7.1 Proof Points to say Business strategy includes promoting digital accessibility as market differentiator

Language to be revised. Issue closed.

GitHub Issue #143 communities of practice. Question, communities we serve

<gb> /issues/143 -> #143

<Fazio> w3c/maturity-model#143

<gb> Issue 143 communities of practice. Question, communities we serve? (by clapierre) [Editorial]

Janina..get support from equity group on communities of practice.

we agree this could be clearer.

Janina provides wikipedia definition

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Lionel_Wolberger_

All speakers: Fazio, janina, jkline, Lionel_Wolberger_, sheribyrne

Active on IRC: CharlesL, Fazio, janina, jkline, Lionel_Wolberger_, nadine, sheribyrne