Maturity Model

20 September 2023


CharlesL, Fazio, Lionel, Mark, sheribyrne
Lionel, sheribyrne

Meeting minutes

Title: Maturity Model

Fazio: CharlesL to send out minutes from TPAC breakout

<CharlesL> https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-Maturity-minutes.html

New Business

<Fazio> no new business

Fazio: asked for new business, no one had anything

GitHub Che k In

Fazio: not too many new issues in Github

Fazio: surprised because people are aware and using it

sheribyrne: maybe we should conduct specific user interviews to elicit specific feedback

Lionel: maybe put together a survey

Lionel: offered to create a draft and distribute

Mark: was it easy to understand

Lionel: did you use the spreadsheet or other assets

sheribyrne: which dimensions did you use, are there any that are missing

Lionel: let's use Google forms

sheribyrne: for people who read it OR used it

Fazio: distribute it through social media

Fazio: and AGWG

sheribyrne: RQTF and APA as well

Mark: we can review Mark's github issues week after next

Mark: early regrets for next week will be on PTO

TPAC Debrief

<CharlesL> https://www.w3.org/2023/09/13-Maturity-minutes.html

sheribyrne: general discussion about TPAC

Lionel: We may want the maturity model to make more explicit and clear how an organization can engage directly with the maturity model

sheribyrne: we can add more detail to the use cases

Lionel: while remaining aligned with the current status quo regarding WCAG 2.0 / 2.1 conformance
… a use case could express this: that an organization applying the maturity model will uncover areas where they need to improve
… and it is up to their discretion what of that, if any, to share on a public-facing document

<CharlesL> s/… while remaining/Lionel: while remaining

Equity Subgroup

Fazio: call for closure on TPAC conversation

Fazio: equity subgroup and maturity model subgroup models need to jive

sheribyrne: we are way further down the road than they are

Fazio: sheribyrne should be the liason since she's already going to the meetings

sheribyrne: They want accounting for gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status
… making sure one party is not dominating the conversation
… these can be applied to the dimensions that we have

Mark: should we make a proposal on how to combine the two

sheribyrne: we didn't include equity because we were told early on that we were already overstepping by including things like personnel

sheribyrne: but of course we can add it

sheribyrne: could set up some one-off meetings to discuss so it's not maturity and not equity, it's both

Lionel: This resembles who Adapt met with COGA
… we can arrange a meeting with Equity, present and hear them out

Fazio: we have options as to how to implement this

Lionel: also, with Sheri in both groups, she may volunteer to be our go-between

sheribyrne: I will get this on the Equity agenda for Monday

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Failed: s/… while remaining/Lionel: while remaining

Succeeded: s/bo-/go-

Maybe present: Title

All speakers: Fazio, Lionel, Mark, sheribyrne, Title

Active on IRC: CharlesL, Fazio, Lionel, Mark, sheribyrne