Maturity Model

28 June 2023


Fazio, janina, Lionel, Sheri_B-H, stacey, SusiPallero

Meeting minutes


New Business

no new business, other than getting Roy to give us a persistent URI for the Excel file

David: Jeanne to be invited to guest for next meeting as long as she isn't on holiday

Janina: publish and update again

Use cases and spreadsheet Update

Stacey: updated GitHub over the weekend incorporating comments from Jeff and Lionel

Stacey: Stacey and Sheri to get together offline before next meeting to synch up stakeholders and use cases

David: Staceys PRs (165 and 166) should have been merged this morning

editors draft is here: https://w3c.github.io/maturity-model/

Sheri: intro is there, stakeholder table is not

Support dimension) into the narrative update

<SusiPallero> I am talking but think you can't. hear me

<SusiPallero> I will go out zoom and back again

Stakeholder material update

covered in item number 2, intertwined with use case stuff

SusiPallero: Charles did some changes

SusiPallero: probably not yet reviewed

SusiPallero: Last version is the one Charles sent

SusiPallero: Need to make the narrative match the spreadsheet

SusiPallero: The language needs to be checked and then it is ready

<janina> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Key_Resources_and_Links

SusiPallero: to reach out to janina to coordinate updating the narrative for Support

ACTION: Fazio to talk to Jeanne about July 5th meeting

<ghurlbot> Created action #167

ACTION: SusiPallero to talk to janina about coordinating PR for support narrative

<ghurlbot> Cannot create action. Validation failed. Maybe SusiPallero is not a valid user for w3c/maturity-model?

ACTION: janina to talk to Roy to figure out why SusiPallero is not a user on the list

<ghurlbot> Created action #168

close 167

close: 167

action 167, close

Spell check and broken link check update

<Fazio> Not important. Roy is validating html

<Fazio> Done. Sheri will coordinate with Roy

ACTION: Sheri_B-H to talk to Roy about uploading the excel spreadsheet

<ghurlbot> Cannot create action. Validation failed. Maybe Sheri_B-H is not a valid user for w3c/maturity-model?

MMTF Github List

<Fazio> Need Roy to check permissions for MMTF Members

Summary of action items

  1. Fazio to talk to Jeanne about July 5th meeting
  2. SusiPallero to talk to janina about coordinating PR for support narrative
  3. janina to talk to Roy to figure out why SusiPallero is not a user on the list
  4. Sheri_B-H to talk to Roy about uploading the excel spreadsheet
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Maybe present: close, David, Sheri

All speakers: close, David, Janina, Sheri, Stacey, SusiPallero

Active on IRC: Fazio, janina, Lionel, Sheri_B-H, stacey, SusiPallero