Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

08 May 2023


julierawe, Kiki, kirkwood
abby, and anyone from the UK, Becca, EA, Rain

Meeting minutes

<Lisa> next item

Lisa: UK holiday so there are a few regrets but we are at quorum additionally people have been replying in emails on some of these topic
… redid the COFA action items page for organization of the subgroups.

<Lisa> old actions https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZOqbMFG7zY_Tqd20aIdrBFWZtx3AzHfNJWDcQk9YQPo/edit#

Lisa: the old tracker was hard to track with so the new doc. One section list out all the sub groups and request from other groups. Another section is to list out the KPIs
… The box at the top is what is actively/currently being working on. The table below is the all the tasks. For who it is assigned to, is a drop down and you can pick a color for your name to make it easier to see.
… For the mental health subgroup, there was a lot of instructions. To make it more simple, we have a column for specific documentation for the task and a due date.

Lisa: The next section of note is the KPI section.

Kiki: is th KPI section the same as the box at the top of each subgroup?

<Lisa> eric give this a plus 1

Lisa: No, it is separate for project management
… KPI is the action section for each subgroup.

Kiki: is it novel information in KPI section?

Lisa: All except the current sprint cell
… There is the subgroup, Previous KPIs, Current KPIs, Current sprint, future sprints and key links

<Lisa> https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#

Julie: This looks group. Do you recommend in the subgroup notes for the historical record of different sprints that have been done?

Lisa: Absolutely. That is a good point. We can add old sprints at the bottom

Lisa: At the bottom is there is also section for supporting documentation
… Are we happy with this with this move


<JustineP> +1

<Jenni> +1 knowing we can update if people have accessibility issues with it

<julierawe> +1

<kirkwood> +1

Lisa: Kiki, eric and Justine, Jenni, Julie and John give plus one

<Jenni> *Sorry I spelled my name wrong...that kind of morning

Lisa: Yeah that is a good point if there are any accessibility issues

<Lisa> next item

Lisa: For each subgroups, I copied the previous KPIs. KPIs are like measurable goals. KPIs are pulled from our timeline
… A sprint is an 8 weeks to get tasks done. Different members can be in a different sprint. You can be involved in one sprint and not other sprints
… At the first meeting, set to do less cause you only have 8 weeks. It will be more intensive
… Clarify the aims at the beginning of the sprint. Group will be making a draft of whatever the deliverable it is. Assume you need feedback frequently through out the sprint

<kirkwood> +1

<Lisa> do we like what goes into a sprint?

Kiki: what is someone joins the sprint in the middle?

Lisa: That is up to whoever is leading the sprint. Sometimes that won't work but sometimes it can.

Jenny: I like the structure and outline. It is quite clear. Clarification on weekly feedback. There are weeks where I may only be able to attend the main meeting or attend the sprint and I would need to choose. I don't know with my job, I don't know if I can add meetings. If sprints would allow async participation or indicating sprints are required for membership for COGA

Lisa: The main meeting is like a committee meeting to review the sprints. That is totally good to not be in a sprint and still participate
… If this is a busy time, then one can join a sprint after their schedule will allow

Justine: This sounds manageable. 8 weeks is a long time out to predict my availability. This gives me hesitancy. Could we recuse ourselves during the sprint if our schedule changes?

Lisa: We have for the mental health group, we have two tasks for the sprint. 1st tasks needs to be completed to do the 2nd tasks. Both will be completed in the 8 weeks but it is broken up

Lisa: For the sprint, individuals should attend when they are in an active task

<Lisa> do we like the sprints?

<kirkwood> +1 to sprints

<Lisa> +1

<Eric_Hind_> +1

<JustineP> +1

<Jenni> I like them but they may be difficult to participate in

+1.. one consideration is to make the time frame a little shorter

<kirkwood> +1 to kiki for them being shorter

Lisa: We are based on AG on their sprints. We could do 4-8 weeks to get task or tasks done
… we could change it to 4 weeks. We could leave it at 8 weeks and see what happens. or make it flexible?

Lisa: I don't know if 4 week is just too little

Jenny: I think kiki's question touchs on the scope. Perhaps we specific that the sprint is for 1 tasks

<kirkwood> +1 to Jennie

+1 to Jennie (sorry I keep spelling your name incorrectly!)

Lisa: The analysis would take 8 weeks but there are other tasks, such as clean up task

Jennie: The way some of us approach sprints. The first one is to outline the work to be done. The ultimate goal is to complete analysis, but each tasks could be a different sprint.

Lisa: Is a task equal to a sprint?

Kiki: yes, a sprint is a focus period of time to complete the objective in that time.

Lisa: Sprint is an action item for AG. So completing a guide is the action item and there are many tasks to complete the action item

Lisa: I think we should move away from using the word sprint since it has different meaning in different job settings.
… We have to break it up into individual tasks. If we do that, then we need to project management for each subgroup.
… Do we want to have 8 week subgoals (individual tasks and call those sprints)?

We have phases. Then the current phase we can divide into subphases

each subphases could be created from subtasks

<Lisa> does changing sprint to sub-phase work

<Lisa> and having tasks in a phase that last up to a4 weeks

<kirkwood> cncern about ‘don’t know how to schedule 8 weeks ahead” is difficult easier to commit.

<kirkwood> +1 to Kiki

Kiki: less about the word sprint, more about the length of time of the sprint or phases

<JustineP> +1 John and Kiki

John: Putting to 4 week sprint, and even if it is completing the first half of a tasks. Not saying things won't take longer then 4 weeks but it is easier to wrap your head around

lisa: 4 weeks to get a few task(s) done. Can go up to 8 weeks. Then when you have the first meeting, the subgroup defines the timeline

<Eric_Hind_> +1


<kirkwood> +1

<Jenni> +1

<JustineP> +1

<julierawe> 0

<Jenni> Apologies - have to drop

Julie: I hear practical reasons for 4 week timeline but AG used 8 weeks timeline. There are a lot of tasks that are hard to do in 4 weeks

Lisa: Yes, that is when a sprint needs to go up to 8 week. Sometimes things are going to have to be an 8 weeks to complete the tasks
… People set up the timeline in the first meeting

I have to drop. Can someone take over scribe?

<kirkwood> sorry need to drop

<Lisa> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nw0uqseDHPiRfrC8NvnHAoX2HsRERblGEOGW6MU-jJM/edit

<Lisa> discusing with juli next steps for wcag codination.

<Lisa> we think it is backing up ag subgroups

<Lisa> 1. reaching out 2. suhgsting work (patterns, testing secting other testing work) for them to look at, 3. joint meetings to discuss

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Maybe present: Jennie, Jenny, John, Julie, Justine, Lisa

All speakers: Jennie, Jenny, John, Julie, Justine, Kiki, Lisa

Active on IRC: Eric_Hind_, Jenni, julierawe, JustineP, Kiki, kirkwood, Lisa