Maturity Model Subgroup

16 Nov 2022


jake, JakeAbma_, janina, Lionel_Wolberger, present, Sheri_B-H
David, Lionel

Meeting minutes

<jlkline> +present

Issue 19 Reference to case change

<Sheri_B-H> https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/19

janina: Proposes allowing editors to do basic editing without group review

<Sheri_B-H> Janina: Proposal that punctuation, typos, missing words that don't change meaning, verb tense can be fixed by anyone without going through group review


<Sheri_B-H> +1

<jlkline> +1

+1 from Jake on mobile

janina: We note not everyone is here, so if you're reading minutes and you disagree, speak up!

<Sheri_B-H> Jake: will go through all of his grammer/word/typo issues, fix them directly, and close the issues

<Sheri_B-H> Jake to go through all of his grammar/word/typo issues in github, fix them directly, and close the issues

<Sheri_B-H> due two weeks

<Lionel_Wolberger> +1 to the proposal for typo/punctuation etc changes

<Sheri_B-H> JakeAbma_ to go through all of his grammar/word/typo issues in github, fix them directly, and close the issues

<Sheri_B-H> due two weeks

<Sheri_B-H> JakeAbma_ to go through all of his grammar/word/typo issues in github, fix them directly, and close the issues due two weeks

<Sheri_B-H> 19, 34, 33, and 31 can be fixed directly by Jake

<Sheri_B-H> https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/28

Issue 28 Proposed "some models researched" rather than "6 models researched"


sheri: any objections to this change? or to adding the proposed appendix?

jeff: "several popular or perhaps current models?"

lionel: I like that

jeff: "a sampling of current models"

jake: may not be current any longer

<Sheri_B-H> Lionel: multiple models known at the time that this specification began being drafted were reviewed.

lionel: multiple models known at the time of drafting this document

<Sheri_B-H> Janina's is the one we agreed to

sheri: someone needs to create the appendix with the pointers?

sheri: I can

group approves

<Sheri_B-H> Sheri to assigne 28 to herself and fix per agreement

issue 21 flow of model needs a little love


sheri: reads current lang

sheri: agree it's a bit awkward language

sheri: reads jake's edit

sheri: identifying --

jeff: assess?

sheri: in previous, could change to review, then use assess here

<Sheri_B-H> Review the current effectiveness of a person, group, or an organization; Assess what capabilities they have; Prioritize what needs to be accomplished next; Improve performance.

jeff: [wordsmithing in progress]

sheri: would be better to see proposals here in IRC

sheri: likes the sequence of action verbs

lionel: agrees that they make a nice flow

<jlkline> Assesses the current effectiveness of a group within an organization or the organization it total; Supports organizational capabilities plans for next steps and Improve performance.

<jlkline> Assesses the current effectiveness and capabilities of a group within an organization or the organization in total; Supports organizational plans for next steps and Improve performance.

<Sheri_B-H> Review the current effectiveness of an organizational entity; Assess what capabilities they have; Prioritize what needs to be accomplished next; Improve performance.

<jlkline> Assesses the current effectiveness and capabilities of an entity within an organization or the whole organization; Supports organizational plans for next steps to Improve performance.

<Sheri_B-H> Assesses the current effectiveness and capabilities of an organizational entity; Supports plans for next steps to Improve performance.

janina: concerned to have organization's units in the definition of organization

<Sheri_B-H_> solution for 21: Fix the definition of organization to include subunits

sheri: to include subunits

<Sheri_B-H_> link the use of the word organization to the definition

<Sheri_B-H_> use Jeff's final proposed language

call for objections ...

group agrees

ACTION: Jjlkline to own changes for item 21, work with another team member (MaryJo?) to learn github commands due two weeks

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

<Sheri_B-H_> No meeting next week, Thanksgiving Wednesday

<Sheri_B-H_> hearing no other business, meeting is adjurned

Next meeting 30 November

Happy Thanksgiving, U.S.!

ACTION: David to pull next set of items for 30 Nov agenda

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

sheri: I'll ask David to construct the next set of github issues for the agenda

Summary of action items

  1. Jjlkline to own changes for item 21, work with another team member (MaryJo?) to learn github commands due two weeks
  2. David to pull next set of items for 30 Nov agenda
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).


Succeeded: s/chain/sequence/

Maybe present: jeff, lionel, sheri

All speakers: jake, janina, jeff, lionel, sheri

Active on IRC: JakeAbma_, janina, jlkline, Lionel_Wolberger, Sheri_B-H, Sheri_B-H_