APA Weekly Teleconference

23 Feb 2022


becky, David-Swallow, Fazio, Fredrik, janina, Jonny_James, Joshue108, Lionel_Wolberger, Matthew_Atkinson, PaulG, Roy

Meeting minutes

Agenda Review & Announcements

janina: We have a lot of agenda today. There will hopefully be time for them all.

CfC on Maturity Model https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-apa-admin/2022Feb/0000.html

janina: Are we comfortable in adopting what started out in AGWG under the Silver taskforce as a working effort, now moving forward?

janina: Some of us are interested in doing it. The threshold question is: shall APA adopt Maturity Model?

janina: No negative communication thus far. The CFC is open on the admin list until Marc 2 Midnight Boston time.

janina: No reason to wait til the last minute. Any reactions welcome.

Lionel_Wolberger: As being someone who has important things to move along, having a workload, can you communicate what workload this would add to the APA group

janina: The workload will be maangeable coming with those who have worked on it in AGWG. Fazio has worked on it, for instance.

janina: The minimum expectation is that we read the minimum key transition points.

janina: Before it becomes a FPWD.

janina: After that, it would be when the dcocument goes on a second wide review. Taht could be the minimum. Anything in between is acceptable.

Lionel_Wolberger: The focus of my question is if it comes witha huge workload. I'm going to b e a +1 on it.

janina: I want to bring in some of the cross-deep-thought emerging in my work with Silver conformance. We need to make some things a little more specific.

janina: I'd like to see this be a really influential document. I know Fazio cares about it immensely, as do I.

janina: We might get to FPWD before TPAC.

Matthew_Atkinson: A big +1 to all of this!

TPAC (12-16 September) Planning

janina: Thsi will be a standing agendum as usual, until half a month after TPAC.

janina: There are dates. 12-16 of September. Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada.

janina: It will be hybrid.

janina: Even though we don't know much more specifics, we want a nose count on how many persons will be participating.

janina: Don't needc a full nose count today, but if you think you can be vancouvering in September, tell us until next week.

<Fazio> I'l be there

janina: It's important because of space. W3C doesn't want to spend money for spacd we won't be using.

Fredrik: I will be online.

becky: Having never been to a TPAC, I'd like a price estimate. What should I expect?

janina: My guess is it'll be in the 200 buck-range. W3C usually manages to negotiate a decent rate. You're not required to stay in the conference hotel. Sometimes people find lodging nearby.

janina: Vancouver is fairly walkable. It's a time of year, beautifully, on the west coast. It's better than summer.

CSUN: To meet or not to meet on 16 March?

janina: The reason this is there is because there will be an in-person CSUN.

janina: In years past, when we've had a significant number of people actually going in person to CSUN, we take the week off. We can do that regardless, or we can say that we'd like to keep working.

janina: I'd like to get a sense in teh next week of how many of us are going to CSUN.

janina: Matthew is going.

janina: Let's decide nhext week whether we take the week off.

Special Meeting re Reorganizing W3C on Wednesday 9 March

janina: We have been asked to host all the WAI working groups. Could we use the APA teleconference+

janina: There would be an e-mail about this possibly within the next 24 hours. We'ölöl see how that goes.

janina: The meeting on the 9th of March wil be taken over for discussin about the future of W3C as an organization.

janina: It's a loose consortium, nto a lot of formailty to it.

janina: That is not sustainable.

janina: W3C, to preserve the good work we've done today and for the good in the future, people on the advisory board and advisory committee and are coming to a proposedplan and get all our concerns on the record.

janina: Two weeks from today, totally devoted to this.

janina: I will ask next swekk to pick a scribe beforehand.

janina: I'd also ask for someone to be our queue runner.

janina: Let's get all of that set up next week.

janina: Léonie Watson will be on the call, Chris Wilson will be on the call, David Singer, a few other folks.

janina: W3C's equivalent of a board of directors will be coming here to answer questioss.

Matthew_Atkinson: I volunteer to be the scribe.

Fredrik: I volunteer to be teh backup!

Lionel_Wolberger: I'll be teh queue runner.

janina: I wouldn't rely on all the q+es being on the IRC, but also on Zoom.

Lionel_Wolberger: When is this meeting?

janina: Two week sform today at this hour.

Lionel_Wolberger: It's very exciting and daunting. I just want to share that to position ourselves in the global standards community over an identity...

Lionel_Wolberger: What i want to point out is a layer of what it means to be a global standards group that... All I know is that there is a whole art to it that I know little about.

Lionel_Wolberger: Mighjt this be the wrong people for the meeting?

janina: The people that are coming, and those are at least five-six people, have been the right people who have been discussing this for years. There has been some back and forth drafting this announcement.

janina: It has gotten attentinoa t the right level, hopefully. What is happening here is whta they think the framework needs to be and the question if htis raises any concerns or if this works out.

janina: A11y is one key area of W3C's success. This is something that hould be preserved in the new legal entity.

Lionel_Wolberger: In other words, they have a proposition they are shopping around to the major working groups.

janina: That is an absolutely excellent concern to raise and I'm glad to allay thnose concerns now to use their time better when they get here.

Task Force & Deliverables Updates

janina: Brevity!


janina: RQTF: we will be asking Timed text if they want to juointly publish with us. We expect there willbe another wide review draft.

janina: Other docuemnts also moving forward coming closer to publication. Nothing before CSUN though.


janina: We are done with our show and tell.

Matthew_Atkinson: The updatews we believe are required have been made to the extension. We're just giving some grace period for our W3C experts to look at it. We probably wil just press ahead regardless pretty soon.

janina: In the case of getting a really solid branding name for this, EO has gotten deply involved and hopefully that will have a great outcome.

FAST and Maturity Model Deliverables Update

janina: Josh?

Joshue108: Nothing for this week, catually. A miscommunciation. The rewas a meeting on Tuesday, nobody showed up.

janina: Are they areare publication will migrate back here to APA?

Joshue108: We've discussed moving form Silver Functional Needs to APA.

Joshue108: They are aware.

New Charters Review https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Horizontal+review+requested%22

Roy: MIchael wil join us in a couple of minutes. Mayube we can get back to this agendum later?

Roy: He is trying to join us now.

janina: For next week, perhaps ping MichaelC a bit before the actual Michael block. We'll think of that.

<MichaelC> https://w3c.github.io/wot/charters/wot-wg-2022-ext.html

MichaelC: Web of Things has sort of been floating.

MichaelC: We've worked with them for a long time and filed comments on their specs and so on. Are we ready to sign off on it?

MichaelC: Judy asked them to add ot the a11y section.

janina: If they do, I think we can sign off on it.

janina: There are implications that we may want certain things in APIs that we don't have right now. We may want registry metadata.

MichaelC: We still have some specs for tracking.

<MichaelC> https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues/301

MichaelC: Next charter: Dataset Specs working group.

MichaelC: They catalogue vocabulary, content negotiation profile.

MichaelC: I don't know that we have comments.

<MichaelC> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Content_Negotiation_by_Profile

MichaelC: Three years qago we said no need to review.

MichaelC: We could pick it up again.

<MichaelC> https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues/302

MichaelC: The next charter we have is Immersive Web WG. WebXR.

MichaelC: There is a llink to us, a standardized link.

MichaelC: This is the one where Judy was telling me that we should ask for them to add the XAUR as a part of the dependencies.

janina: The XAUR is not a spec.

MichaelC: Judy put in acomment recommending adding a link to the XAUR.

janina: Anything want something stronger?

<MichaelC> https://github.com/w3c/immersive-web-wg-charter/pull/52/files

MichaelC: They already have a pull request taking up Juduy's suggestion.

janina: It's a friendly group.

A11y Review Comment Tracker https://w3c.github.io/horizontal-issue-tracker/?repo=w3c/a11y-review

<MichaelC> https://github.com/w3c/imsc-hrm/pull/41

janina: We may need to look at this.

<Joshue108> WebXR Standards and Accessibility Architecture Issues https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/WebXR_Standards_and_Accessibility_Architecture_Issues

<MichaelC> https://w3c.github.io/imsc-hrm/spec/imsc-hrm.html

<MichaelC> https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/7490

FRedrik gets to look at the IMSC spec. Get back in three weeks please.

MichaelC: And taht's it.

new on TR http://www.w3.org/TR/tr-status-drafts.html

MichaelC: Nothing new.

Actions Checkin (Specs) https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/track/actions/open

Roy: There was a suggestion for an issue in Github.

janina: It might be that the a11y considerations may not b enormative, but it sounds normative the way the English is written.

Roy: There may be some misunderstandings tude to translation issues.

janina: As longas you understand it, Roy, we're probably good.

Dangling Spec Review Cleanup: https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Category:Spec_Review_Assigned

<MichaelC> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Category:Spec_Review_Assigned

MichaelC: Aside from CSS specs, there is a load of specs we could review now.

MichaelC: one of DOM that's overcome by events.

MichaelC: We need to restrategize how we review WhatWG snapshots.

janina: Thank you Michael, we will be back on that item.

Other Business

Matthew_Atkinson: I have a couple of subsitutions to put throughn on the minmutes. I'll just pasting those in.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/things/WhatWG snapshots/

Succeeded: s/do ing it/doing it/

Succeeded: s/the AP A group/the APA group/

Succeeded: s/becomes a PFWD/becomes a FPWD/

Succeeded: s/c ross-deepp/cross-deep/

Succeeded: s/9influential/influential/

Succeeded: s/in teh 200/in the 200/

Succeeded: s/in teh conference/in the conference/

Succeeded: s/Vancouv er is/Vancouver is/

Succeeded: s/Tehre would/There would/

Succeeded: s/Leonie Watson/Léonie Watson/

Succeeded: s/Taere has/There has/

Succeeded: s/There a re/There are/

Succeeded: s/sutbotsubtopic: personalization/subtopic: Personalization/

Succeeded: s/Vancouvedr/Vancouver/

Maybe present: MichaelC