24 June 2021


jcraig, Joanmarie_Diggs, msumner, pkra, StefanS

Meeting minutes

[New Issue Triage](https://bit.ly/3gV39P1)

Bryan: I personally don't know why we'd add that to the spec

Jamesn: I agree but we need to clarify what we mean by "child nodes"

pk: why isn't noscript the same as `display: none;`?

jamesn: that is apparently what firefox does but chrome has a `display:inline` on it for whatever reason

jamesn: the people wanting this are people implementing 3rd party library in trying to figure out what the accName is supposed to be for this kind of thing. If we say anything about child nodes in the accessibility tree but I don't think that is helpful to those who don't know what the accessibility tree is

jamesn: anyone want to take on raising an issue in whatwg?

[New PR Triage](https://bit.ly/3xJhnt5)

[Meaty topic for next week](https://bit.ly/3j3Srsg)

jamen: so no deep dive next week?

jamesn: conclusion - no deep dive next week

Test Files - old test files in repo - https://github.com/w3c/aria/tree/main/testfiles. Do we need them still?

jamesn: so we have these old test files. Are they still relevant/useful?

joanie: many years ago these files were ported over from the manual test tools...Ultimately we want to get away from this and over to some automated tests. I think these test files are redundant and not being maintained.

cyns: If we have other tests covering the same things, then it is probably ok to remove them

Getting tests written - https://joanmarie.github.io/aria/validator-tests/

joanie: I wrote a test and came to some conclusions about what we want in the tests. With Harris' help we got axe-cli running.

joanie: my proposal is that we move the validator tests to the ARIA repo itself would make sense. It would make it easier for wg members to contribute. It would also be the first steps towards someone making a spec change with a normative statement, that same PR could include a test for that normative statement.

<cyns> +1


<pkra> +1


joanie: I will move it over to the aria repo tomorrow

jamesn: we need more folks creating tests

joanie: we also need people with validator interests to give us results

bryan: we have an archive of thousands of tests and their results so it shouldn't be a problem to get those


jamen: so you create a test file for the given test and run a validator on the test file

<msumner> I will try to contribute to some of these & write some tests

cyns: I'd like to suggest that we have a meeting and we can write tests at that meeting.

<pkra> +1 to cyns

jamesn: If everyone could try to write these tests prior to the call, it'd be beneficial to know where you get stuck

jcraig: I was wondering if there were more issues than 57?

jamesn: there were but they haven't been added to any agenda

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


Maybe present: Bryan, cyns, jamen, Jamesn, joanie, pk