Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

05 Dec 2019


Wilco, KathyEng, Trevor, MaryJo, MoeKraft, Sailesh, Shadi

MaryJo, Wilco


Results of CFC to send updated work statement to the AG WG

maryjo: all positive responses, CFC is clear, send to AGWG

wilco: try to send today

Survey - Button has an accessible name (https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ButtonName1/)

<Wilco> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ButtonName1/results

wilco: 8 responses
... some minor open issues to be addressed, ask community group to address

sailesh: assumptions all buttons are user interface components not needed
... add 1.1.1 for button name; 4.1.2 for button state

wilco: re 1.1.1 comment, don't think buttons are non-text content except image buttons so out of scope for this rule

sailesh: all buttons are non-text elements, user agent renders input type=text as non text
... H44 reference

maryjo: don't see buttons as non-text, programmatic semantics covered in other SCs.
... 1.1.1 covers images and videos, not images

Trusted Tester doesn't apply 1.1.1 to buttons either

charu: 3.2.2 labels and instructions applied to UI components at IBM

wilco: 3.2.2 might make sense

<shadi> https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#non-text-content

shadi: 1.1.1 says controls, why is a button not a control?
... the control is non-text, for certain controls 3.2.2 applies for additions, but need accessible name for controls

wilco: go back to CG or ask AG for input?

trevor: 4.1.2 is more specific and better for buttons but understand 1.1.1 application

wilco: ACT requires all reqs that would fail to be listed

maryjo: doesn't agree to fail so many SC for one problem

sailesh: under 1.1.1 ST H36 for submit button

maryjo: H36 is for image button

wilco: H44 input elements, select elements so fits

shadi: a Go button with a name meets 4.1.2, but 1.1.1 would fail if it does not describe purpose
... text button label would pass 1.1.1 so no ST there

maryjo: 3.3.2 fails if label is inadequate
... not 1.1.1 unless an image button

trevor: include 1.1.1

shadi: button with name=submit, image of a cat: text alt to describe purpose pass 1.1.1, but not label 3.3.2
... multiple SC apply

<shadi> <button name="submit"><img src="cat.jpg" /></button>

maryjo: button without an image should fail 1.1.1; a button is not non-text content

charu: 1.1.1 only applies when button has an image

maryjo: a radio button is also not non-text content

charu: sometimes label and name are sometimes interchangeable

sailesh: input type=submit is non-text element. label is available to all users; name programmatically

maryjo: decision will impact many tools

wilco: ask AGWG for opinion

shadi: log this for understanding doc

wilco: current understanding doc specifies images

trevor: with multiple SCs, make an atomic rule for each. narrow down rules for each SC so one rule doesn't fail all SCs
... 3.3.2 labels atomic rule on its own

wilco: Sailesh's assumption comment - if the button does not have a role of button this rule would not cover it
... moe's comment - not clear rule applies to input type = image

moe: state more explicitly so it's clearer

wilco: use of ", except" could be improved
... CG will update example descriptions to make them clearer
... re: maryjo's comment - CG can propose updates for review

maryjo: more implementations would then need an update each time?

wilco: each implementation would not be published so review won't be necessary

<shadi> +1 to batching!

maryjo: reviews to AG should be batched

wilco: trevor comment duplicate example
... will take back to CG

maryjo: this rule needs more work, not going to AGWG

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/01/09 14:24:19 $