Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

25 Apr 2019


jamesn, MarkMcCarthy, carmacleod, pkra, Scott_O, Joanmarie_Diggs, jongund, CurtBellew, HarrisSchneiderman, janina, jemma, MichaelC, melanierichards, BryanGaraventa


<pkra> I want to but I also might have to drop off early (for family reasons).

<pkra> :(

<pkra> Promise for another time.

<jemma> be back in 2min

<scribe> scribe: MarkMcCarthy

New Issue Triage

<jamesn> https://github.com/search?l=&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+created%3A%3E%3D2019-04-18+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+repo%3Aw3c%2Faccname+repo%3Aw3c%2Fcore-aam&type=Issues

jamesn: new issues above, some just logged to bring up for f2f

joanie: talking about insert and delete?

jamesn: yes

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/141

joanie: okay. scott, your mapping is blocking us. if you and melanierichards could attend to HTML AAM #141 that'd be helpful for us

Scott_O: okay, melanierichards let's talk later, i can also tap some other folks

jamesn: this is a 1.2 issue right?

joanie: already assigned

jamesn: issue 958 is f2f for next week, probably don't need to specifically triage
... 957 is more of a question, don't really need to milestone it

carmacleod: it's a good question

jamesn: we run our test cases on these, but ...

carmacleod: ok, why don't we put the test case there and ask someone to run it

Scott_O: point me to the test case and I can try to take that on

joanie: i've been doing tests for mappings, not reflections

jamesn: i think i found them before
... 956, sounds like it should be for acc name, not aria

carmacleod: maybe

jamesn: reasonable?
... let's move that to the right repo and let bryan flag it, i'll take care of it after the meeting
... all acc name issues we're triaging for the next release
... 955 is just admin, can probably be closed/taken care of by MichaelC
... we took care of IDREF issue

Scott_O: it's in process, hope to be done soon

New PR Triage

carmacleod: only one is strong and em

jamesn: should be on the agenda
... so no new PR issues

Role Parity Quick Status Check


jamesn: PR 953 is for strong and em, joanie?

joanie: matt did a full review earlier today, he did some wordsmithing. i already pushed the smithing changes, but he raised a good comment

<joanie> While the definition says this is one or more characters, the role description does not include any information about context for appropriate use and constraints on use if there are any. For instance, can you wrap main in a div with role emphasis? What are the HTML restrictions? Can you wrap a link in emphasis or must you put the <em> inside the link text? I haven't looked up the content model for <em>. If

<joanie> an <em> cannot contain interactive content, or even a heading, for instance, the perhaps the emphasis role should have children presentational true. I think this aspect of appropriate useage must be addressed before merging. We might be able to better address this, or do so mor succinctly, when we hhave an abstract phrase-like role.

joanie: mck's comment is above
... mck has lots of good questions! but i don't have answers for all of them. based on all this, don't think we're ready to merge
... waiting for others to assist

jamesn: the only restrictions we have on this in aria spec is things like children presentational, no other restrictions really
... sometimes in prose

<pkra> they can be nested.

jamesn: are there any hierarchy restrictions?

joanie: i don't think so, thought we rely on AP to put in specifics

pkra: didn't we have a discussion about nests? the fact they can be nested in html seems like we shouldn't put children presentational

Scott_O: there could be a use case for mimicing HTML

carmacleod: sounds like children presentational can't work too well

jamesn: why wouldn't it be valid to have an entire paragraph emphasized?

Scott_O: depends on how close we are to mimicing what HTML allows
... you could wrap an entire paragraph in em, but follow the proper structure

jamesn: i don't really mind whatever we choose, it'll probably work

joanie: in the spirit of consensus, could people give this some thought, comment and/or discuss with matt on the PR issue?

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/953

<jamesn> GitHub: https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/953

joanie: those with opinions could discuss in the issue. as a screen reader dev, i just need to know what I'm getting

Scott_O: i'll get to that asap


jamesn: all said, moving on to description lists, anything else?

carmacleod: i added some comments, ones just editorial. the other is to make sure that we're not restricting having multiple description terms
... the definition for description terms might want to allow for multiple terms
... we could have a "may be followed by", do some wordsmithing
... fear it's too restrictive. does everyone agree "may be followed by" is good?

jongund: i think if HTML5 spec says it's allowed, we shouldn't restrict it

carmacleod: I also don't think we can merge until we figure out what we're doing with old aria, like term
... we'd have to remove the dd in -definition definition. what to do about term? is it superceded?

jamesn: good question

carmacleod: i don't think we can put all this in until we know what do with the old ones

MichaelC: question was is dfn superceded by term?

carmacleod: no, is aria role term being superceded by description term?

MichaelC: I don't think we'd want that. description term refers to dt in html, dfn refers to term in html.

jamesn: i think we'd remove the old ones, the dd and dt parts, from old definition and term
... probably do need to clarify prose. there's lots that sounds familiar
... description term should be dt, term shouldnt be dt

Scott_O: so therre's othing related for term

jamesn: yeah, this is all kind of weird

MichaelC: in HTML, you use them together in a way
... dt is opening list item, dfn is definition in list item

Scott_O: I thought it was in the order dl dt dd?

MichaelC: but dfn is valid child of dd

jongund: we don't have an html equivalent of 'term', so there's no base to define it from

jamesn: i believe that's correct

jongund: what's the closest thing? anything in HTML other than dt to associate term with?

jamesn: don't think so

jongund: other issue is a11y APIs have role term?

carmacleod: good question, joanie?

joanie: trying to remember, i'd probably have to do some digging

jamesn: in conclusion, more work to do to work out what the historical term and definition roles are and how they relate. and/or clarifying prose

carmacleod: yep
... don't have a solution yet

<pkra> HTML has "Defining term: if the dfn element has a title attribute, then the exact value of that attribute is the term being defined. Otherwise, if it contains exactly one element child node and no child Text nodes, and that child element is an abbr element with a title attribute, then the exact value of that attribute is the term being defined. Otherwise, it is the descendant text content of the dfn element that gives the term being defined."

jongund: if we go quick, we can just use 'term', but might not be consistent

<pkra> https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/text-level-semantics.html#defining-term

jamesn: we could theoretically have a synonym for them

Scott_O: seems like a safe path forward at least

pkra: pasted stuff from HTML spec, they do have defining term for dfn element defined

[reading through spec]

<pkra> :D

jamesn: thanks for that

carmacleod: this is complicated!

jamesn: jon, do you know a path forward? are you happy keeping this?

jongund: i can integrate carmacleod's comments. but for term... what to do here?

jamesn: we'll need to work out if we want the same role. might depend on mappings

jongund: seems we don't have much of a choice

jamesn: does it have to map to anything?

jongund: is it just a section?

jamesn: no, but it maps to something in a11y APIs?

carmacleod: tree doesn't... so...

jongund: seems it should be deprecated?

jamesn: why? a definition has a term with it

jongund: i can try to harmonize with HTML

jamesn: doesn't have to be 100% the same, but purpose has to be clear to reader

jongund: okay, i got it. i'll take a crack at it. i'll keep it in the same PR for now

jamesn: thanks all, that was helpful!

New PR Triage

Straw poll level discussions


jamesn: this is carolyn's, james craig hasn't reviewed it. punt for now til we can speak to james or carolyn? objections?



jamesn: this is one of melanierichards' PRs
... addressed similarly to 944... let's look at 944


jamesn: [reading PR]
... so, melanie? repair techniques...

melanierichards: basically, there's some fallback techniques with aria-valuenow. since we're requiring this, maybe it can be removed? i changed the wording and called them repair techniques
... seems okay in Windows

jamesn: where are the repair techs specified?

melanierichards: in the prose
... [reading prose]

jamesn: i'm guessing we don't have test cases because they wouldn't have passed

melanierichards: i haven't dug through all of them so I'm not exactly sure

jamesn: joanie or MichaelC do you know where cases are? for scrollbar?

joanie: what authors must do is a validation issue

jamesn: [reading through issue] there's no 'must' statement but probably should be?

melanierichards: other option is if no one is doing it anyway and we're requiring it, we remove it

jamesn: errors are shoulds and mays rather than musts
... joanie, does this sound like a good way of doing things?

joanie: anything that is providing default vaules, etc. doesn't go in core-aam
... we have a section for remedy in aria spec, so anything of that sort goes there

jamesn: so goes to handling errors section

melanierichards: sounds good to me

jamesn: authors shouldn't care much anyway!
... can you move that to error section?

melanierichards: yes

jamesn: section 9 of the document, find a place for it there and link in prose to see handling author errors

melanierichards: sounds good

jamesn: thanks!
... so this will be the same for 945 and 946?

melanierichards: let me check

<pkra> sorry, I have to drop off early.

melanierichards: yes, i think we have some comments from carolyn

<jemma> I second

jamesn: if it's ok, and there's nothing major, lets try and merge this early next week? reasonable?

<jemma> yes

jamesn: no objections, 1 second
... looking at issue 943
... any objections?

New PR Triage


<jemma> 942

<jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/942

jamesn: any objectings to merging?

<jemma> james: is it ready to go?

<jemma> james: no objection. we will merge 942, 943, 945

In depth discussions

<jamesn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/wiki/Meetings/F2F_Spring_2019

<jemma> jamesn: adding the detailed schedules with github issues

<jemma> ..if you are not attending the meeting and edit the wiki

<jemma> to talk about specific issues

<jemma> or reach out to james to include the topics to the meeting agenda.

jamesn: or if you need a specific time, let us know as well

<jemma> ...we did some prepration for the meeting last week

<jemma> james: I will finialize the meeting agenda this week.

<jemma> james: is it ok to arrive one hour early?

<jemma> bryan: yes

<jemma> melanie: thanks for adding the agenda for me.

MarkMcCarthy: Big thanks to Jemma for taking over scribing for the last few minutes.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/04/25 17:51:43 $

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Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/just logged/just logged to bring up for f2f/
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Present: jamesn MarkMcCarthy carmacleod pkra Scott_O Joanmarie_Diggs jongund CurtBellew HarrisSchneiderman janina jemma MichaelC melanierichards BryanGaraventa
Regrets: MattKing
Found Scribe: MarkMcCarthy
Inferring ScribeNick: MarkMcCarthy
Found Date: 25 Apr 2019
People with action items: 

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