07 Feb 2017

See also: IRC log


Mike5, scribe, ShaneM, Stan, roy


How w3c organizes test suites

Mike5: We maintain tests for w3c on github

<Mike5> https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests

<ShaneM> https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests

Mike5: Our test suites typically have tests you can do in JS
... goal is automatic testing
... we have a subdirectory in the GitHub repo for payment request

<Mike5> https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/tree/master/payment-request

Mike5: any time we have a spec that defines interfaces (via WebIDL), we have a test harness

that we can use that makes it easy to take WebIDL blocks, dump in a test file, and use the IDL harness to test whether the browser that we need to test implements the IDL

scribe: the ".https" is due to payment request only works over secure channel


Mike5: For every requirement in the spec we need to have corresponding tests
... a single test file might have a number of tests in it

<Zakim> ShaneM, you wanted to talk a little about protocol testing

ShaneM: Part of talking about web payments information is that it's a protocol
... there are two things you need to do:

a) hit the payment app with well-shaped information as though coming from the browser

b) the payment app needs to hit something and get responses

scribe: we have pretty good support for these needs through python and python extensions
... we have good examples for doing this; just need properly shaped JSOn

(That's not for today; today's problem is the browser API)

scribe: one thing we can do is ask the browser vendors to implement a fake payment method
... so we have a guarantee that there's at least one payment method that's available
... we also want to test the scenario where we know a payment method is not available

Mike5: here's our biggest obstacle....
... with many other specs there's nothing special you have to implement in the test suite to be able to create a web application that emulates the normal user flow in using the feature
... but PR API is different in that after you've constructed a payment request object, you need to get a payment reasponse
... getting a payment response in the real world requires interaction with a payment app of some kind
... you need the emulated merchant site to provide information and then get back a payment response.
... my thinking originally was that we might not be able to do this solely in JS
... Shane indicated you can do this in JS..
... in the testing infrastructure that we have , we use a python server based on HTTP built into pythong
... it provides a self-hosted wb server that lets you send certain headers
... and lets you control http behavior in certain ways
... and lets you run python code on the server side
... so that let's you emulate server-side behavior (thus beyond JS)
... so it comes down to somebody writing up something
... and with that we can test requirements related to payment response

the IDL requirements can be easily tested using our IDL harness, but there are other assertions in the specification that we will need to test (e.g., requirements on user agents)

IJ: Any special perms required or just GitHub?

Mike5: You just need a GitHub account and submit PRs

<ShaneM> public-payments-testing is a mailing list we set up for this a while back

Mike5: I can also set people up with direct write access; but we can start with pull request approach

roy: the goal is to test how the browser functions in this API?
... how does the test suite get ahold of the chrome runtime?

ShaneM: It may sound strange...pretend you are just you and want to run some tests.
... in the web platform test world you bring up your browser you want to test
... you navigate to a page that defines a test
... and that page cycles the test

Mike5: One way to see the test results is to run browsers locally on your machine as Shane described

<ShaneM> https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests

Mike5: we ALSO have some automation capabilities so that when you check in a patch
... our tools can run the tests run automatically (e.g., currently we do that in both firefox and chrome)
... first, the automation runs the test to see whether it actually executes, but furthermore, we use this mechanisms to test

flaky tests...so we run the test 10 times in each browser...and we get a report that the test is not deterministing


scribe: so this is one way we validate tests

<Mike5> https://w3c-test.org/submissions/4753/payment-request/

scribe: another thing is that when you create a PR, we have a mechanism that mirrors it to the web-based instance of the entire repo
... that 4753 is the PR number
... so if you create a PR, it will end up being mirrored, and you can share the URL with others so they can test the state of the code from that branch
... and if you push changes to your PR it will update the mirrored resource

<Zakim> ShaneM, you wanted to ask about running those tests?

ShaneM: Can I point at such a resource...and have it selected?
... I think runner won't run tests under "Submissions" since not in the manifest
... it would help people doing development to drive tests
... I put in IRC earlier a link to the runner
... there's an interactive UI that lets you pick tests and run them

stan: Why do we need a server-side component?
... e.g., browser-stored card data

ShaneM: You are correct; you don't need server-side to test basic card

[Agreement that server is for third-party payment apps]

[And that's not today's problem]

<Zakim> Mike, you wanted to comment about the runner

<Mike5> https://w3c-test.org/tools/runner/index.html

Mike5: Also, I want to loop back to the runner

"run tests under path"

scribe: that path depends on a manifest file in the repo
... the reason it won't work with "submissions" is that submissions is not in the path
... this web-based runner is a convenient thing..it's not essential

<Mike5> https://w3c-test.org/submissions/4753/payment-request/payment-request-in-iframe.html

scribe: you can run tests any time from the actual files that are in the directories
... the nice thing about the runner is that you can run multiple tests in sequence (given a list of URLs)
... and it also produces the results in JSOn
... and we have a reporting tool that will let you produce nice reports
... I've worked on the runner code myself and one thing to note is that it's a bit neglected
... if you run into problems with the runner, there are some known challenges
... the browser vendors don't use this web-based runner...there is another runner that drives the browser from an external process
... if the browser crashes that runner can restart the browser, etc.
... mozilla and chrome use it

IJ: Remind me what the obstacle is in your mind?

Shane: We need a browser that implements PR API and a payment method

Mike: +1
... the only implementation we have of this is in Android
... today you have to start your smart phone and run tests there...not fun!
... it would be nice if we could get to the point where we have support in a desktop build to test against

Stan: It feels to me like having a dummy payment method would help
... testing cards only would be limited
... you would not testing some features....
... I am happy to try to implement a dummy payment method

(WPT = Web Platform Tests infrastructure)

Shane: Useful to have a tool in the WPT environment

Stan: Can we use a WPT server with Android?

Shane: The android platform can access it, yes.
... Could help to create a demo payment method
... check out the GitHub repo locally and feel free to test

Stan: I am happy to invest some time in that

ShaneM +1

Mike5: +1
... once we have that, then we can get back to writing the tests
... the work is reading the spec, identifying the testable requirements (on the browser)

and writing a set of assertions

scribe: the test harness we have is not exotic

IJ: Example?

Stan: Could you show how to glue the python to the js file?

<Mike5> window.top.test(function() {

<Mike5> window.top.assert_throws({name: 'SecurityError'}, function() {

<Mike5> new PaymentRequest([{supportedMethods: ['foo']}], {total: {label: 'label', amount: {currency: 'USD', value: '5.00'}}});

<Mike5> }, 'If the browsing context of the script calling the constructor is not a top-level browsing context, then throw a SecurityError.');

<Mike5> });

[Shane: Web annotation has an example server]

<Mike5> https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/blob/master/payment-request/payment-request-in-iframe.html

Mike5: this is an older test; need to verify if this is still a requirement of the spec
... so the spec requirement (assertion) is in the test
... if you were to put this in a top-level browser context, it won't throw. But will throw from an iframe


Stan: Reading the README...I don't see a way to link a test case to a particular server-side behavior, which would be useful here

ShaneM: There are some special file name conventions that allow you to invoke things on the server
... we call it "routing

<Zakim> Mike, you wanted to mention W3C #testing channel

<ShaneM> http://wptserve.readthedocs.org/en/latest/

Mike5: Get help on #testing (irc.w3.org)

<Mike5> documentation in the WPT server is at http://wptserve.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html

IJ: Has FB done testing and could we have them?

Roy: I will look into it

Mike5: As ShaneM said, our main obstacles are not really technical. Mostly time issues
... I do have time to help answer questions
... i can also make time to sit down and work on this

IJ: Can we pick a specific assertion in the spec and try to get Stan up and running with a test next week?

Mike5: We have tests for some WebIDL bits...


<Mike5> https://www.w3.org/TR/payment-request/#show-method

Mike5: I think "show" is a good place to start

<Mike5> https://www.w3.org/TR/payment-request/#abort-method


If this consultation produced no supported method of paying, then reject acceptPromise with a "NotSupportedError" DOMException, and abort this algorithm.


Mike5: If you are writing a test while somebody is implementing in parallel, it's sometimes helpful to provide feedback on the spec

<Mike5> https://www.w3.org/TR/payment-request/#complete-method

IJ: Roy is FB implementation available for testing?

Roy: I will look into it

<Zakim> Mike, you wanted to talk about trusted click events for user actions

[Some discussion about UI]

Mike5: This feature exposes a user interface where user interaction (e.g., click) is required
... I thought at first that that required a trusted click event that might mean you can't do in a test
... but apparently this does not require a trusted click and therefore we can automate a test
... note we don't have web driver integration in the test suite at this point

ShaneM: I don't think we can simulate click events interoperabily
... I'd rather rely on web driver when it's available
... so today some of our tests may be only as far as semi-automated

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.148 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/02/07 18:09:08 $