Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

25 Aug 2016

See also: IRC log


Joanmarie_Diggs, MichielBijl, jongund, Janina, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, MichaelC, fesch, ShaneM
fesch, fesch_, fesch__


<Rich> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Aug/0221.html

<fesch> scribe: fesch


<trackbot> action-1723 -- Joanmarie Diggs to Editorial - create sections listing the roles that provide (1) nameFrom:author and (2) nameFrom:contents -- due 2016-08-17 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1723

<joanie> https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/action-1723/aria/aria.html#namefromauthor

JD: want to do automatically, all roles support name from author expect one role

<joanie> https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/action-1723/aria/aria.html#namefromcontent

jd: name from content

<fesch_> jd: do folks agree a section with all roles except two is unneeded

<fesch_> rs: thoughts?

<fesch_> scribe: fesch_

mc: maybe say roles name from author...

rs: would be nice to shrink to have smaller lists

jd: name from author is on all... some have name required... can get from content

rs: I think you should have a table
... a lot of time people will put a label on top of content that isn't needed

mk: will have authoring guidance on that...

mc: in authoring practices would be non-normative, but would give Joseph a place to look

rs: name from content in authoring practices would be fine (as a table)

jd: Joseph wants a list to link to

<fesch> jd: might make sense to have it both places

<fesch> scribe: fesch

mk: having it two places is good, authors don't know what name from author and name from content means

mc: it is OK to have in both places, spec would have a minimal version, authoring practices the useful one, but not duplicate everything

mk: In APG I could have a column for each
... Michael how do you get automatically generated?

mc: Shane's script can be migrated...

rs: does anyone have any issues with name from XXX?
... does anyone have name required as a separate column or an astrick?

mc: we need to wait for Joseph ... that will be editorial, lets do the simplest thing
... whatever works for Joseph..

rs: we decided to move into the name computation section


mc I think joint ownership is important and we nominally have the greater expertise

mc: we can have single ownership as long as we have time to review

rs: that seems like joint ownership
... we have a lot on our plate

mc: if we take it off our plate, then we loose control of the timeline

<chaals> [Joint ownership is actually pretty painful from a process point of view. Single ownership simplifies some stuff - and we'll happily give review time]

mc: in theory they could do that, if we don't have it a joint deliverable

rs: I don't have a problem with them owning it (soley)
... ARIA 2 will be a huge effort

<fesch_> rs: up to now dPub did not have the skills

<fesch_> scribe: fesch_

rs: for a host language, I think it is OK...

mc: do we think a module would be produced outside ARIA WG?

rs" no

mc: then that wouldn't be a worry

<chaals> [But note that it would be very helpful for WebPlatform, if we take on "official" reposnsibility for AAM, to have a sense of how long you would want for review cycles…]

mc: I just want the tradeoffs to be understood

rs: will put it out for CfC... and get a vote on it...

<fesch__> mc: they may need us give us a few months for review when going to CR, if we haven´t reviewed before

<fesch__> scribe: fesch__

mc: or if we review every quarter, a month might be OK

js: don't we have a policy for this?

mc: our charter declares it is a joint deliverable, their charter has it as their (alone) deliverable
... as long as no one has a problem with that...

<MichaelC> https://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/aria

mc: maybe on our web page we might want to describe the AAM work

<fesch> a

<fesch> a

<fesch> scribe: fesch

rs: I think we are going to have to work on it together...

js: Looking up statement we sent out...

rs: can come back later in call

blockers for CR

rs: working with Zerkov and Tah ...
... will have different stuff for details .... no answers on reverse relationsihips

mk: joanie was asked if she would agree to concatenating, did we agree on a order?

rs: we didn't agree on an order

mk: request for order, putting in issues

rs: don't know what the delimitier would be

mk: that is a problem

rs: I'm not crazy for it....

mk: maybe I will seek an explanation -

rs: James said we have to say both anyways...

mk: this takes away flexibility from screen readers

rs: here is the problem - we have only one string to fill
... he did not want the AT to fill the string
... we could add another string for error message, doubt that will happen, lot of work
... we don't want to stringify an error message, only one string for description, he did not want AT to do it

mk: will talk with him

jd: I will work with whatever, either way

mk: we already have a problem with screen readers talking too much

jn: error messages always need to be spoken

rs: AT vendors don't attend the meetings so we have to rehash...

jg: is this about what authors?

cs: the point of error messages was to be distinct from descriptions

rs: I don't like stringifying, because there may be help in there
... matt please do it quickly

mk: which list? IA2 list?

rs: yes

cs: will it matter if IA2 is different from UIA?
... if we need to do a call 2pm Pacific....

mk: I usually meet at 4pm Pacific

rs: sending email to ARIA and IA2 list - more we look at concatenation - the worse it looks
... concatenation provides problem for Edge and internationalization (space issue in Chinese)
... point of errormsg was to separate them out... and the size of the string could be an issue

Test harness


rs: have a number of issues with interfaces
... separated MSAA and IA2 and they may both have roles

fred: there is a problem for the interaces

cs: I will fill out the TODO's for UIA

rs: Cynthia if you can go back through the core AAM,

cs: OK

rs: need feed roles,
... I will take my branch and pull in -
... then let Cynthia fill in UIA

TPAC Coordination

<Rich> https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2016

rs: some of the things on here - APA Monday and Tuesday
... Thursday Education outreach.... James N. will you be at TPAC

jn: yes

rs: you need to lead that discussion
... COGA interlock - 13:30 - 14:30 -- not worried about prefixes but will be creating the module, will call it personization and work with Lisa S on this
... : Friday meeting with TAG, met with TAG in July... will share ARIA 2.0 requirements.... they may have an approach for problems
... trying to get a Monday meeting with Web Components...

<Rich> https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/issues/552

rs: Web Components want a role for every HTML element... that is a lot

<Rich> https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/issues/553

rs: will talk about that... also talking about custom widgets with TAG
... Leonie wanted us to lead on this - this has to be joint

mk: I don't see it --

rs: that is an APA meeting - Janina and I are splitting up the meetings...
... it is in todays agenda
... on Friday, after Web Platform folks earlier in the week, and want to meet as a group, and put proposal together
... is MS doing anything with polymir?
... web components?

cs: yes

<janina> Argh, just lost audio!

rs: can include links -

mk: would be nice to have everything in the wiki

js: will have a joint meeting with CSS, will put agenda on wiki

mb: it is a joint meeting between APA, ARIA and CSS?
... need dial in accesss

rs: what about dPub meeting?

js: Tzitha isn't back until next week

RESOLUTION: have Michael, Rich and Janina publish a CfC on publication of HTML AAAM


<Rich> https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/issues/553

<Rich> https://github.com/a11y-api/a11y-api/

mk: github is hard to use, learning the landmarks

<Rich> http://a11y-api.github.io/a11y-api/spec/

rs: a lot of people have been working about an accessibility API

cs: 6 months ago we thought about bringing it to a community group, don't know what happened
... the community group isn't a priority (personal priority, but not work priority)

rs: I don't know what to do with it...
... I don't see anything about device independent ...

<Rich> https://github.com/a11y-api/a11y-api/

rs: Dominic asked me to respond to this... first I have seen it

cs: Microsoft isn't currently involved

mk: in the repo there are only three contributors,

mc: but there are three different branches... confusing

jg: Michael did you get a request for a reoccurring meeting on Wednesday for test
... we are making progress on test cases, but missing platforms

rs: we don't have anyone wanting to work on OSX

sm: tests need to be set up so we can run them manually

rs: apple should do their platform...

jg: I want to find out who is doing what...

rs: Joanie ATK

jg: which is more valuable IA2 or?

rs: chrome is 50% of the market... so IA2

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. have Michael, Rich and Janina publish a CfC on publication of HTML AAAM
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/08/25 17:54:05 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144  of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/few months for review/few months for review when going to CR, if we haven´t reviewed before/
Succeeded: s/joanie had asked for agreement on/joanie was asked if she would agree to/
Succeeded: s/AAA/AA/
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Found Scribe: fesch
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Scribes: fesch, fesch_, fesch__
ScribeNicks: fesch, fesch_, fesch__
Present: Joanmarie_Diggs MichielBijl jongund Janina Rich_Schwerdtfeger MichaelC fesch ShaneM
Found Date: 25 Aug 2016
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2016/08/25-aria-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

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