16:29:22 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:29:22 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/08/25-aria-irc 16:29:24 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:29:24 Zakim has joined #aria 16:29:26 Zakim, this will be 16:29:26 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 16:29:27 Meeting: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference 16:29:27 Date: 25 August 2016 16:29:49 chair: Rich 16:29:59 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 16:30:03 RRSAgent, make log public 16:30:43 present+ MichielBijl 16:31:30 jongund_ has joined #aria 16:31:57 present+ jongund 16:32:11 present+ Janina 16:32:42 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Aug/0221.html 16:32:50 present+ Rich_Schwerdtfeger 16:34:02 fesch has joined #aria 16:35:21 scribe: fesch 16:35:38 action-1723 16:35:38 action-1723 -- Joanmarie Diggs to Editorial - create sections listing the roles that provide (1) nameFrom:author and (2) nameFrom:contents -- due 2016-08-17 -- OPEN 16:35:38 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1723 16:36:10 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/action-1723/aria/aria.html#namefromauthor 16:36:26 JD: want to do automatically, all roles support name from author expect one role 16:36:29 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/action-1723/aria/aria.html#namefromcontent 16:36:49 jd: name from content 16:37:44 Stefan has joined #aria 16:38:32 jd: do folks agree a section with all roles except two is unneeded 16:38:34 fesch_ has joined #aria 16:38:49 rs: thoughts? 16:39:04 scribe: fesch_ 16:39:28 mc: maybe say roles name from author... 16:39:49 rs: would be nice to shrink to have smaller lists 16:40:15 jd: name from author is on all... some have name required... can get from content 16:40:25 present+ MichaelC 16:40:34 present+ fesch 16:41:00 rs: I think you should have a table 16:41:29 rs: a lot of time people will put a label on top of content that isn't needed 16:41:53 mk: will have authoring guidance on that... 16:42:34 mc: in authoring practices would be non-normative, but would give Joseph a place to look 16:43:19 rs: name from content in authoring practices would be fine (as a table) 16:43:49 jd: Joseph wants a list to link to 16:44:07 jd: might make sense to have it both places 16:44:14 scribe: fesch 16:44:58 mk: having it two places is good, authors don't know what name from author and name from content means 16:45:55 mc: it is OK to have in both places, spec would have a minimal version, authoring practices the useful one, but not duplicate everything 16:46:40 mk: In APG I could have a column for each 16:46:57 mk: Michael how do you get automatically generated? 16:47:12 mc: Shane's script can be migrated... 16:47:33 rs: does anyone have any issues with name from XXX? 16:47:37 mck has joined #aria 16:48:10 rs: does anyone have name required as a separate column or an astrick? 16:48:49 mc: we need to wait for Joseph ... that will be editorial, lets do the simplest thing 16:49:11 mc: whatever works for Joseph.. 16:49:25 rs: we decided to move into the name computation section 16:49:40 zakim, take up item 1 16:49:40 I see nothing on the agenda 16:50:59 Topic: HTML AAM 16:51:50 mc I think joint ownership is important and we nominally have the greater expertise 16:52:16 mc: we can have single ownership as long as we have time to review 16:52:27 rs: that seems like joint ownership 16:52:44 rs: we have a lot on our plate 16:53:03 mc: if we take it off our plate, then we loose control of the timeline 16:53:30 [Joint ownership is actually pretty painful from a process point of view. Single ownership simplifies some stuff - and we'll happily give review time] 16:53:35 mc: in theory they could do that, if we don't have it a joint deliverable 16:53:54 rs: I don't have a problem with them owning it (soley) 16:54:03 rs: ARIA 2 will be a huge effort 16:55:15 fesch_ has joined #aria 16:55:32 rs: up to now dPub did not have the skills 16:55:37 scribe: fesch_ 16:55:54 rs: for a host language, I think it is OK... 16:56:10 mc: do we think a module would be produced outside ARIA WG? 16:56:15 rs" no 16:56:24 mc: then that wouldn't be a worry 16:56:32 q? 16:56:35 [But note that it would be very helpful for WebPlatform, if we take on "official" reposnsibility for AAM, to have a sense of how long you would want for review cycles…] 16:56:42 mc: I just want the tradeoffs to be understood 16:57:03 rs: will put it out for CfC... and get a vote on it... 16:58:15 fesch__ has joined #aria 16:58:37 mc: they may need us give us a few months for review 16:58:46 scribe: fesch__ 16:59:06 mc: or if we review every quarter, a month might be OK 16:59:13 s/few months for review/few months for review when going to CR, if we haven´t reviewed before/ 16:59:24 js: don't we have a policy for this? 17:00:06 mc: our charter declares it is a joint deliverable, their charter has it as their (alone) deliverable 17:00:21 mc: as long as no one has a problem with that... 17:00:40 https://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/aria 17:00:45 mc: maybe on our web page we might want to describe the AAM work 17:01:15 a 17:01:18 a 17:01:24 scribe: fesch 17:02:01 rs: I think we are going to have to work on it together... 17:02:12 js: Looking up statement we sent out... 17:02:37 rs: can come back later in call 17:02:48 TOPIC: blockers for CR 17:03:11 rs: working with Zerkov and Tah ... 17:03:11 cyns has joined #aria 17:03:38 rs: will have different stuff for details .... no answers on reverse relationsihips 17:04:24 mk: joanie had asked for agreement on concatenating, did we agree on a order? 17:04:34 rs: we didn't agree on an order 17:04:54 mk: request for order, putting in issues 17:05:23 rs: don't know what the delimitier would be 17:05:34 mk: that is a problem 17:05:35 s/joanie had asked for agreement on/joanie was asked if she would agree to/ 17:05:46 rs: I'm not crazy for it.... 17:06:10 mk: maybe I will seek an explanation - 17:06:29 rs: James said we have to say both anyways... 17:06:48 mk: this takes away flexibility from screen readers 17:07:05 rs: here is the problem - we have only one string to fill 17:07:19 rs: he did not want the AT to fill the string 17:07:47 rs: we could add another string for error message, doubt that will happen, lot of work 17:08:45 rs: we don't want to stringify an error message, only one string for description, he did not want AT to do it 17:08:57 mk: will talk with him 17:09:12 jd: I will work with whatever, either way 17:09:39 mk: we already have a problem with screen readers talking too much 17:09:42 jamesn has joined #aria 17:09:53 jn: error messages always need to be spoken 17:10:16 rs: AT vendors don't attend the meetings so we have to rehash... 17:10:39 jg: is this about what authors? 17:11:03 cs: the point of error messages was to be distinct from descriptions 17:11:25 rs: I don't like stringifying, because there may be help in there 17:11:39 rs: matt please do it quickly 17:12:15 mk: which list? IA2 list? 17:12:22 rs: yes 17:12:47 cs: will it matter if IA2 is different from UIA? 17:14:44 cs: if we need to do a call 2pm Pacific.... 17:15:18 mk: I usually meet at 4pm Pacific 17:18:48 rs: sending email to ARIA and IA2 list - more we look at concatenation - the worse it looks 17:20:06 rs: concatenation provides problem for Edge and internationalization (space issue in Chinese) 17:20:52 rs: point of errormsg was to separate them out... and the size of the string could be an issue 17:21:20 TOPIC: Test harness 17:21:38 https://www.w3.org/wiki/ARIA_1.1_Testable_Statements#ARIA_Role_Testable_Statements 17:22:17 rs: have a number of issues with interfaces 17:22:33 rs: separated MSAA and IA2 and they may both have roles 17:23:29 present+ ShaneM 17:23:51 fred: there is a problem for the interaces 17:24:02 cs: I will fill out the TODO's for UIA 17:24:29 rs: Cynthia if you can go back through the core AAM, 17:24:34 cs: OK 17:24:56 rs: need feed roles, 17:25:27 rs: I will take my branch and pull in - 17:25:38 rs: then let Cynthia fill in UIA 17:26:05 Topic: TPAC Coordination 17:26:07 https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2016 17:26:26 q+ 17:26:33 rs: some of the things on here - APA Monday and Tuesday 17:26:56 rs: Thursday Education outreach.... James N. will you be at TPAC 17:27:00 jn: yes 17:27:08 rs: you need to lead that discussion 17:28:11 rs: COGA interlock - 13:30 - 14:30 -- not worried about prefixes but will be creating the module, will call it personization and work with Lisa S on this 17:29:01 rs:: Friday meeting with TAG, met with TAG in July... will share ARIA 2.0 requirements.... they may have an approach for problems 17:29:18 rs: trying to get a Monday meeting with Web Components... 17:29:18 https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/issues/552 17:29:43 rs: Web Components want a role for every HTML element... that is a lot 17:29:53 https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/issues/553 17:30:03 rs: will talk about that... also talking about custom widgets with TAG 17:30:41 rs: Leonie wanted us to lead on this - this has to be joint 17:30:50 mk: I don't see it -- 17:31:13 rs: that is an APA meeting - Janina and I are splitting up the meetings... 17:31:36 rs: it is in todays agenda 17:32:28 rs: on Friday, after Web Platform folks earlier in the week, and want to meet as a group, and put proposal together 17:32:47 rs: is MS doing anything with polymir? 17:32:55 rs: web components? 17:33:01 cs: yes 17:33:02 Argh, just lost audio! 17:33:21 rs: can include links - 17:33:31 mk: would be nice to have everything in the wiki 17:34:14 js: will have a joint meeting with CSS, will put agenda on wiki 17:35:02 mb: it is a joint meeting between APA, ARIA and CSS? 17:35:16 mb: need dial in accesss 17:36:37 rs: what about dPub meeting? 17:37:01 js: Tzitha isn't back until next week 17:38:22 RESOLUTION: have Michael, Rich and Janina publish a CfC on publication of HTML AAAM 17:38:32 ?sAAA/AA/ 17:38:54 s/AAA/AA/ 17:39:01 https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/issues/553 17:39:34 https://github.com/a11y-api/a11y-api/ 17:39:58 mk: github is hard to use, learning the landmarks 17:40:13 http://a11y-api.github.io/a11y-api/spec/ 17:40:38 rs: a lot of people have been working about an accessibility API 17:41:47 cs: 6 months ago we thought about bringing it to a community group, don't know what happened 17:42:46 cs: the community group isn't a priority (personal priority, but not work priority) 17:43:18 rs: I don't know what to do with it... 17:43:53 rs: I don't see anything about device independent ... 17:44:43 https://github.com/a11y-api/a11y-api/ 17:45:47 rs: Dominic asked me to respond to this... first I have seen it 17:46:13 cs: Microsoft isn't currently involved 17:46:49 mk: in the repo there are only three contributors, 17:46:57 chaals has joined #aria 17:47:02 mc: but there are three different branches... confusing 17:47:57 jg: Michael did you get a request for a reoccurring meeting on Wednesday for test 17:48:21 jg: we are making progress on test cases, but missing platforms 17:49:00 rs: we don't have anyone wanting to work on OSX 17:49:21 sm: tests need to be set up so we can run them manually 17:49:42 rs: apple should do their platform... 17:49:54 jg: I want to find out who is doing what... 17:50:05 rs: Joanie ATK 17:51:21 jg: which is more valuable IA2 or? 17:51:42 rs: chrome is 50% of the market... so IA2 17:54:00 rrsagent, make minutes 17:54:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/25-aria-minutes.html fesch 18:14:09 mck_ has joined #aria 18:21:16 mck_ has joined #aria 18:26:40 jongund_ has joined #aria 18:36:47 mck has joined #aria 18:42:40 Rich has joined #aria 18:49:45 mck_ has joined #aria 19:13:02 Rich has joined #aria 19:37:57 Rich has joined #aria 19:50:53 chaals has joined #aria 19:55:40 Zakim has left #aria 20:08:53 Rich has joined #aria 20:34:00 chaals has joined #aria 21:22:27 Rich has joined #aria 21:50:04 Rich has joined #aria 22:05:46 chaals has joined #aria 23:02:14 jongund has joined #aria 23:04:36 jongund_ has joined #aria